2. Example: Using the search

2. Example: Using the search

For this example we assume that after each step you press the Search button to see the effect of your changes. This is a good approach in general. Of course, for your real-life search you may well make several changes before using the search button.

Let's start this example by searching for a specific word:

This will show all documents that include the term “software”. Documents where “software” is used in a more prominent place, appear closer to the top of the list. There are too many results.

Let’s restrict them to what was published in the last 7 days:

Better, what we are selling is not just software but also programming.

Let’s find tenders with “software” or “programming”:

As expected, there are more results now.

We are interested in creating software for Oracle:

Now the results include either software or programming but in any case also oracle

Our specialty is Oracle 11i. Let’s see if we can put it to good use:

Putting “Oracle 11i” in quotes, asks the system to tell us only about documents where “oracle” and “11i” appear directly after one another, not just somewhere in the document. “oracle 11i” is a so-called “phrase”.

Unfortunately, we are down to not many hits. We also know a little about the SAP software packages:

Looks good now. We have found a decent number of results we can work with.

There are three more handy options you may want to use, though.
We will explain them in a separate example to not make this one too complicated - although we could.

You can always go to our reference list to see a full list of Mercell Tender Finder’s search options.


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