Log in to your Mercell account

Log in to your Mercell account

Learn how to Create an account

Go to http://my.mercell.com to log in to your Mercell account.

You have the option to log in to your account in either of two ways:

  1. Using the new Mercell Login

  2. Using the legacy login

Accounts created after September 2021 will only be able to use the new Mercell Login.

Login using the Legacy Login

You can no longer use the Legacy Login if you already have connected your existing account to the new Mercell Login. Please refer to “Login using Mercell Login” for more information.

  1. Click the “Login”-button on the left-hand side of the screen to use the legacy login.

  2. Type your username and password in the fields provided on the left-hand side of the screen.

  3. Click the “Login”-button to access My Mercell.

Stay signed in

By default, My Mercell automatically logs out idle users. You have the option to stay signed in by ticking the “Remember me”-checkbox.

This will set a cookie on your device and will keep you signed in until you actively choose to log out of My Mercell.

Forgot your password?

The following steps to recover your password will only work for Legacy Login. If you need to recover your password for the new Mercell Login, please refer to “How to recover your Mercell Login password“.

To recover your password for the Legacy Login, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Login”-button on the left-hand side of the screen to use the legacy login.

  2. Click “Lost your password?”


  3. Type the email associated with your account in the window and click “Send”.


  4. You will now receive an email with one or more usernames associated with your email.


  5. Click on the username that you want to set a new password for.

SSO Login

Single Sign-On is an optional service. Please contact your local representative for more information.

Login using the new Mercell Login

You need to have an existing account with Mercell Sourcing Service / Mercell Tender Service that already is connected to the new Mercell Login. Visit our guide on how to Create an account for more information.

  1. Click the “Mercell Login”-button on the right-hand side of the screen.

  2. You will now get redirected to the new Mercell Login.


  3. Type your email and click “Continue”.

  4. Type your password and click “Continue”.


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