Contract award templates (Sourcing)
This article only applies to Sourcing
Requires admin permissions
An admin can create templates for contract awards to simplify the process. These templates can be used when preparing a contract award.
Note: The admin can create, edit, and delete templates, while basic users have view-only access to the templates.
Add a new template
Click “Add new template”
Fill in “Name of template”
The name appears in the template selection list when starting the creation of a contract award.
Add an attachment if needed.
The attachment will be included in the contract award.
Fill in form fields
Contracting authority
Sourcing event description
Contract awarded by
Contract award date
Contract award
Grounds for decision
Awarded supplier(s)
Select signature type
If needed, add sections by clicking "Add a new section"
Enter the section title in the left field and the section text in the right field.
Click “Save”
Modify or delete a template
Click the “hamburger menu”-icon to open the action-menu. Actions available:
Click ‘Edit’ to modify the template
Move up/Move down
Click “Move up” or ”Move down” to reorder the templates.
Click “Remove” to delete a template