
This article only applies to Sourcing

This article only applies to Sourcing

The preview and publish tab allows you to review the created request, check that the information entered is correct and publish it. It is also possible to print/save the request in PDF format or send the request by e-mail for preview. (See more in the article "Send preview by email")

If some mandatory items are missing, you will see a highlighted red triangle next to the relevant section. A request cannot be published if there is mandatory information missing.

Missing information.png


Mandatory Information.png

If all mandatory fields have been filled and the form has been previewed as correct , a Publish/send (Select publishing targets) section will appear to the right side of the form. Click this to publish to select the publishing targets.


select publishing targets.png

If all fields and publishing targets have been finalised, the request can either be published by clicking “OK, publish” or it can be saved without publishing by clicking “Save, do not publish”

NOTE! The system always displays information about the successful publication of the request, in addition to which you will also receive an email confirmation!
