Send preview by email
This article only applies to Sourcing
In the preview and publish section of the request, you can send a pdf of the request for preview or to request comments.
Click "Send preview by email" and in the window that opens you can:
Select "Request comments" if you want comments from the recipient
Set a comment deadline
"Recipients": enter or copy/paste email addresses separated by line breaks here
"Sender's name": enter here the name you want to appear as the sender of the email
"Message heading": enter here the text you want to appear as the subject of the email
"Message": enter the actual message/text of the e-mail here, you can edit the default text
The request, together with the attachments and links, will be sent to the recipient(s) of the preview as an attachment to the e-mail message.
Request for comment
If the box marked “Request comments” is marked, an email message containing a link to the commenting interface is sent to the recipient
By clicking the link that is sent, the recipient can go to the commenting interface and send comments regarding the request
Recipients must enter their comments by the set deadline
Viewing comments
When the commenter sends comments on the request, the individual specified as the request's contact person receives a notification in their email. The notification will also contain the comment itself
When comments have arrived, a new link "Comments received" will appear below the "Send preview by email" link on the preview and publish tab of the request
Click this link to view all comments