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Om datafält "ID – ramavtalsmeddelande" (OPT-100-Contract)

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Den här supportartikeln behandlar datafält "ID – ramavtalsmeddelande" (OPT-100-Contract).

Fråga ställd till TEDs support, samt deras svar:

What value should be entered in the datafield “Notice that created the framework agreement“ OPT-100-Contract?

OPT-100-Contract is used to identify the Result notice in which the Framework Agreement settlement has been published. When the Framework Contract and the first contracts within that Framework Agreement are published in the same notice, then reference should be made to the notice itself.

Tolkning på svenska:

Vad för värde ska anges i datafält "ID – ramavtalsmeddelande" (OPT-100-Contract)?
För OPT-100-Contract ska TED-referensen anges för efterannonsen/Resultats-annonsen från ramavtals-upphandlingen. Om tilldelningen av kontrakt är inom samma upphandling så ska TED-referens för originalannons anges.


Vidare frågor kring “Kontraktet tilldelas inom ett ramavtal” (BT-768-Contract) och "ID – ramavtalsmeddelande" (OPT-100-Contract)

Is it always mandatory to have BT-768-Contract “Yes” and OPT-100-Contract set if Framework agreement is set for Procedure?

Framework Agreement is defined at Lot level. The first result will be about the Framework Contract.

When it is about the “Framework Contract” itself, then BT-768-Contract should be set to “false”.
A “Framework Contract” does not have values associated to it, but FA values.

When it is about a “Contract within a Framework Agreement”, then BT-768-Contract should be set to “true” and OPT-100-Contract provided.
A “Contract within a Framework Agreement” has a value associated to it (through its associated LotTenders), but no FA value.

When information about the Framework Contract and subsequent contracts within that FA are published in the same notice, then there will be the need of:

  • for the Framework Contract: one LotResult, one or more SettledContracts with BT-768 set to “false” (depending on the number of winners of the FA) and LotTenders,

  • for each subsequent contract (i.e. contract within the FA): one LotResult, one SettledContract with BT-768 set to “true” and the associated LotTender.

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