On the ‘Attachments and links’ tab, it is possible to add attachments to the request. All attachments are visible to tenderers in the request.
Adding an attachment
The attachment is added by clickinh the "Add new attachment" button
"Drag files to attach here, or click here to select files to attach"
Drag an attachment to the request or,
Click on the link and search for the file you want to attach
The attachment is saved with the "Save attachment" button
Several attachments can be added
Change the order of the attachments with the arrow symbols
The attachment can be deleted by clicking the cross button
"Select saved file"
If you have saved attachments in the Documents section of the request, you can attach these attachments to the request from the drop-down menu
NOTE! The maximum size of an attachment is 100 megabytes.
Adding a link
A link can be added by pressing the "Add new link" button.
The address of the link must be entered in the field that opens
The link can be removed with the cross button