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On the Procedure tab, the procurement procedure to be used is selected and some choices are made that affect the submission of a response. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.


Procedure  *


Open procedure

  • The procurement procedure, in which the request is published as open to the Tender Service. All interested bidders can make a response to the published request through an open procedure.


Limited procedure

  • A restricted procedure is a procurement procedure in which the request is published only to selected tenderers by direct email and only these tenderers can submit responses. 

  • The request is not published publicly in the Tender Service as in the open procedure.


Hide the procurement procedure in the request shown to bidders

  • If you do not want to disclose the procurement procedure to bidders, you should use this option.



Purchase object divided into parts *

  • Select whether the procurement object is divided into parts

    • If you select yes, sub-areas are formed in the criteria of the procurement object, for which it is possible to choose a supplier for each sub-area

    • If the procurement is divided into parts, partial bids may be allowed

  • If you choose no, the purchase will be treated as a total purchase. Groups can be created in the procurement object criteria section, but supplier selections are made jointly for the entire procurement.

    • If the procurement has not been divided into parts, partial bids cannot be allowed


Sub-offers allowed by sub-region *

  • If the request includes many different parts (the parts are defined on the criteria tab of the procurement object), selecting "Yes" allows the bidder to offer only the parts he wants. 

  • If the selection "No" is used in the section, the bidder must bid for all parts.


Alternative answers are accepted * 

  • The function can be used to allow bidders to make alternative answers. Default is "No". 


Opening protocol in use * 

Functionality to be ordered separately

  • If you decide to use the opening minutes, after the deadline you must make the opening minutes before you can look at the answers. 

  • The selection does not prevent the responses from being viewed while the request is valid.


Information on the answers can only be viewed after the deadline for submitting the answers *

  • If the answer is "Yes", the information of the answers can only be viewed after the deadline. 

    • Sending a clarification request or opening a comparison table in the middle of the request is also not possible. 

  • When the user answers "No", it is possible to view the answers at any time as a pdf and from the comparison table, and clarification requests can be sent. 

    • If the two-shell procedure is used in addition to this, the Sourcing user can view the qualitative criteria before the deadline and send a clarification request related to the qualitative criteria

    • It is not possible to view the prices before the deadline.


A two-shell procedure is used

  • In the two-shell method, the comparison factors are evaluated in two steps. In the first stage, all other factors except prices are evaluated. In the second stage, the price factors are also seen.

  • If a two-shell procedure is used, the comparison is as follows: 

    • In the first step, the comparison table opens in such a way that all price information requested for the procurement object is hidden ("Hidden" text)

    • After finishing the quality comparison, you can go to the price comparison stage with the "Go to price comparison stage" function

    • NOTE! After this, it is no longer possible to return to the quality comparison.




  • Visible if the organization has a group structure

Prevent the request from being visible to other procurement units of the group - you can put a tick in the box if you don't want the request to be visible to the group's users who have access rights. to the unit. 


Deadline for receiving responses or participation applications *


  • The date and time are entered in the field. It is only possible to leave answers until the entered time.

    • The date and time can be retrieved via the calendar icon or the information can be entered directly into the field in the format hh:mm

  • More information

    • Additional information related to submitting answers or participation applications can be entered in the field.


Additional information questions *


In the section, choices are made that affect the presentation of additional information questions. 


A time limit is defined for asking additional information questions

  • By entering the dates in the format or selecting the days from the pop-up window that opens from the calendar button

  • Or by entering the number of days (in numbers), how many days before the request deadline the questions must be sent 


If necessary, you can enter additional information related to the questions (this can include, for example, information about when the questions asked by the bidders will be answered).



The minimum time the offerer must keep the answer valid 

  • The section can specify how long the bidder must keep his answer valid.

    • The date and time can be retrieved via the calendar icon or the information can be entered directly into the field in the format hh:mm

    • Time can also be defined in months. In this case, the number of months is entered as numbers in the field reserved for it 


  • No labels