On September 22, 2022, the web address (URL) of the Mercell Source-to-Contract platform will change.
From then on, you will log in via https://s2c.mercell.com instead of https://hub.negometrix.com .
Notifications from the platform will be sent from noreply@s2c.mercell.com after this change.
What this means for you
As a user of the platform, you will not experience any inconvenience from this technical change.
After the change, visitors to outdated web addresses will be automatically redirected.
The email address of the service desk and the web address of the support articles will also change. Emails and visitors will be automatically redirected there as well. More information and advice on this will follow soon.
What you can do now
It's important to add the email address noreply@s2c.mercell.com to your contacts in your email program or whitelist it (for example, through your IT department).
For organizations with Single Sign-on or API implementation, additional information will be shared later. Please contact your account manager if this is not the case for your organization.
The reason for this change
Mercell Source-to-Contract is now being deployed across Europe within the Mercell Group. The new web address contributes to a uniform and recognizable platform for all users of Mercell software.
Further on this page:
Why is Mercell making this change?
Mercell Source-to-Contract is now being deployed across Europe within the Mercell Group. The new web address contributes to a uniform and recognizable platform for all users of Mercell software, also outside the Netherlands. Maintaining Negometrix.com for longer would be confusing in this regard.
Do we need to inform our suppliers?
Mercell will inform all users subscribed to our platform's Release Notes. There will also be a notification in the platform prior to the change in September. However, users will not experience any inconvenience from the change. Outdated web addresses will automatically redirect.
When will this change be implemented?
22 September 2022.
Does this change also apply to the corporate website www.negometrix.com?
No that will change at a different time.
How long will outdated web addresses be redirected from http://Negometrix.com to http://Mercell.com ?
We will continue to redirect as long as necessary.
Will my login credentials change?
No, they will remain the same
What will be the new web address of the login page?
Will the IP address change?
Will the sender of notifications change?
The sender of notifications from the platform will change to noreply@s2c.mercell.com. We recommend adding this email address to your contacts or whitelisting it through your IT department.
What will happen to scheduled (SFTP) reports?
These will not be affected by this change.
Will Negometrix3 also change?
How do I whitelist an email address?
This varies depending on your email program. Discuss this with your IT support or refer to the help page of Microsoft Outlook, for example.
What will happen to our Single Sign-On (SSO) connection?
These organizations have been informed separately. Please contact your account manager if this is not the case for your organization. The basic instructions are here.
What needs to be done for customers who have set up (Portal) API?
What needs to be done for customers who have set up a DMS integration?
These organizations have been informed separately. Please contact your account manager if this is not the case for your organization.
Intake Management
Do I need to change my web address for the intake form?
This will change automatically, as will all other web addresses. Old web addresses will be automatically redirected. We recommend updating the web address shared outside of our software yourself.
Tender Management
What happens to the TenderNed and TED integration?
It will continue to function as usual. An outdated web address on TenderNed will automatically redirect to the correct new web address.
Do I need to adjust our templates?
Yes, if you have included web addresses in them that refer to our support page or our service desk email address, you will need to update them in line with the changes. Old web addresses will be automatically redirected.
Will the web address of an invitation change after the update?
They will change automatically. Outdated web addresses in invitations already sent before the update will be automatically redirected.
What happens to the web address pointing to a DAS or Social Domain tender on our own website?
Outdated web addresses will be automatically redirected. It's advisable to update your own website (outside our software) after September 22, 2022.
Contract Management
Are reports from the SFTP server affected by this change?
Are reports by email affected by this change?
Are weblink documents affected by this change?
Supplier Management
What happens to the supplier qualification web address (login page)?
The web address changes automatically. The old web address will redirect automatically. It is recommended that you update these web addresses in the places where you share them after the change.
What happens to the web address in the notifications surrounding statements?
Just like the web address in regular notifications, the notifications surrounding statements will also contain a new web address. An outdated web address will automatically redirect.
Performance Measurement
Does the web address in surveys change automatically?
This changes automatically, just like all other web addresses. An outdated web address will automatically redirect.
What happens to already shared web addresses to performance measurement surveys?
This changes automatically, just like all other web addresses. An outdated web address will automatically redirect.
What happens to the web address in survey invitations?
This changes automatically, just like all other web addresses. An outdated web address will automatically redirect.
Will the service desk email address change?
The new email address for our service desk is support-nl@mercell.com. This is active immediately. E-mails sent to servicedesk@negometrix.com are automatically forwarded.
Is the service desk still located in the Netherlands?
Yes, the service desk is still staffed from the Netherlands at our office in Utrecht.