Intro:This is a short ’How to' article on viewing, posing, answering, and publishing questions on a tender.
Note: It is a prerequisite to have created and published a tender in order to follow this guide. Guides for creating a tender and inviting suppliers & publishing a tender are linked in the sidebar.
Instructions: To viewing supplier questions & providing answers
Click the questions and announcements card to go in to the questions and announcements module
Click the ‘Actions’ button for the given question you want to answer
Write the answer to the question answer text box in the modal and save. It is also possible to edit the question, in case a supplier has compromised their identity when posing the question, and reformulate it to ensure the supplier isn’t put at a disadvantage in the given tender.
Go to the ‘Ready’ tab to view the question with your provided answer
Click the ‘Actions’ button for the question + answer and select ‘Publish’ in the ‘Actions’ menu.
Outcome: The question and answer is now published and can be viewed by click the ‘Published’ tab.