You can find the send message function on both valid and terminated requests. With the function, you can send an e-mail message to all or part of those who read the request, to those who sent a response (notifications in the valid/expired state) and to the bidders involved in the comparison (notifications in the expired state).
Click on "Send a message" with the purchase announcement you want.
RecipientsYou can choose to send a message to following recipients:
Those familiar with the request
The view lists companies that have viewed the announcement while logged in
The following people familiar with the request
You can choose to whom you send the message to, who read are familiar with the announcementrequest
Those who sent the answer
The view lists companies that have sent a response
Responses included in the comparison (Finished requests)
The view lists the companies that have participated in the comparison
Those who received the request
The view lists the companies that originally received the request
Other recipients
Other email recipients can be added to the message
Sender's name
The user enters the sender's name field
The name can be modified if desired
Message title
The automatic default title is "Additional information for the announcement: IDENTIFIER / PROCUREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT NAME"
Can edit The default titile can be edited if necessary
Write a message for bidders
Message documents
You can attach an attachment to the message under "Add new attachment"
Show the message also in the Offer Service as well
If this is tickedmarked, the content of the message is also shown in at the announcement in the Offer service under "Messages and questions"
The Send message function sends a message
All sent messages are also displayed in the "Documents" section.