Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


From then on, you will log in via instead of .

Notifications from the platform will be sent from after this change.


  • Why is Mercell making this change?

    • Mercell Source-to-Contract is now being deployed across Europe within the Mercell Group. The new web address contributes to a uniform and recognizable platform for all users of Mercell software, also outside the Netherlands. Maintaining for longer would be confusing in this regard.

  • Do we need to inform our suppliers?

    • Mercell will inform all users subscribed to our platform's Release Notes. There will also be a notification in the platform prior to the change in September. However, users will not experience any inconvenience from the change. Outdated web addresses will automatically redirect.

  • When will this change be implemented?

    • 22 September 2022.

  • Does this change also apply to the corporate website

    • No that will change at a different time.

  • How long will outdated web addresses be redirected from to ?

    • We will continue to redirect as long as necessary.

  • Veranderen mijn inloggegevensWill my login credentials change?

    • Nee, die blijven hetzelfde.

    Wat wordt het nieuwe webadres van de login pagina?

    • Na de update op 22 september 2022 kun je inloggen vanaf No, they will remain the same

  • What will be the new web address of the login page?

  • Verandert het IP adresWill the IP address change?

    • NeeNo.

  • Verandert de afzender van notificaties?

    De afzender van de notificaties vanuit het platform verandert. Dit wordt

    Will the sender of notifications change?

    • The sender of notifications from the platform will change to We raden aan dit e-mailadres toe te voegen aan je contacten of te laten whitelisten door je IT-afdeling.

  • Wat gebeurt er met geagendeerde (SFTP) rapportages?

    • Dit worden door deze wijziging niet beïnvloed. 

  • Verandert Negometrix3 ook?

    • Nee, Negometrix3 zal niet veranderen.

  • Hoe whitelist ik een e-mailadres
    • recommend adding this email address to your contacts or whitelisting it through your IT department.

  • What will happen to scheduled (SFTP) reports?

    • These will not be affected by this change.

  • Will Negometrix3 also change?

    • No.

  • How do I whitelist an email address?

    • Dit verschilt per e-mailprogramma. Bespreek dit met je IT Support of bekijk bijvoorbeeld de helppagina van Microsoft Outlook.
