Criteria library (Sourcing)

Criteria library (Sourcing)


This article only applies to Sourcing

Requires admin permissions

The admin can manage criterion groups through the Criteria Library. Users can save criterion groups under the 'Suitability Requirements' or 'Criteria for the Procurement Object' sections in advanced RFx procurements.

In the Criteria Library, admins can create new groups, as well as edit or delete existing ones. These criterion can be used in requests or auctions.

Create a new criterion group

  1. Click "Create a new criterion group"

  2. Enter a name for the group

  3. Choose whether it is a criterion group for “Sourcing item” or “Qualification criteria”.

  4. Clicking “Save” will save the group and display new fields.

  5. Enter the desired criteria by typing the criterion text in the 'Add new criterion' field and selecting the criterion type.

    • Create any required number of criteria.

  6. Finalize by clicking “Save”

Edit an existing group

  • Click on the particular group name to open the group

  • Edit the criteria as desired

  • Click “Save”