IMAGE AND CONTENT CHANGE-Instruction document Admin Mercell Source-to-Contract (delete)

IMAGE AND CONTENT CHANGE-Instruction document Admin Mercell Source-to-Contract (delete)


Now that NegometrixPortal is part of Mercell Source-to-Contract, there are changes in design and working methods. This includes creating and managing colleagues.

In this document, we will guide you step by step through this method.

  • Organization settings

  • Colleagues

  • User rights

  • Address Book – Classic

  • User reports

Organization settings

As an administrator, you can make changes in the organizational domain, such as changing colleagues or templates, in the Organization settings overview. You can access this menu by going to the Organization settings button at the bottom left of Mercell Source-to-Contract. In the new screen, under Organization you will find the options Organization profile, Colleagues, User rights, Licences[LG1], Templates and Documents. In this document, we only cover the functions necessary for managing users. Some options may differ depending on if the account is that of a buyer or supplier.

Other functions that you find on this page serve to set up the modules. These have not been changed.


As an administrator of an organization, you have the right to add colleagues to the organization. The administrator can also grant this right (called: Manage colleagues) to other colleagues.

Add colleague

The organization administrator can send an invitation to colleagues who already have a profile and to those who do not yet have a Mercell Source-to-Contract profile.

  1. Navigate to Colleagues in the menu on the left

  2. Click the Invite button

  3. Then enter the email address of the colleague;

  4. Click Add and, if necessary, enter an email address of another colleague

  5. Click Send

The colleague receives an email from sender noreply@s2c-mercell.com to register. The link in this email is valid for two months.

Change contact person

You can recognize by the yellow star icon when someone is the contact person of the organization. You can change this in the following way. This is only possible if you are an administrator of the organization.

  1. Go to Organization Profile in the left menu and you will end up in the organization's data overview

  2. Then scroll to Contacts and click Change

  3. Click on Add colleague to organization and select the relevant colleague.

The contact person has now been changed


Only one person can be the contact person. You must be an administrator to edit this in the organization profile.

Block colleague

If a colleague leaves the organization, the administrator can block the person's profile. This means that you can no longer log in with that account.

  1. Navigate to the heading Colleagues in the menu on the left and then choose one of the two options:

    1. Click on the block icon

    2. Click on the colleague in question and click Block

  2. The colleague ends up in the Blocked colleagues column

  3. Remove blockage

  4. Go to the Blocked colleagues column and then choose one of the two options:

  5. Click on the activate icon

  6. Click on the colleague in question and click Activate

  7. The colleague ends up in the Colleagues column.

  8. The colleague can log in again immediately.


User Rights

After you have added colleagues to the organization profile, you can set user rights. You can add colleagues to system groups or create a group yourself for which you set certain user rights.

NB: You need the Manage User Groups right to do this.



The user rights are not set per person, but per group. You assign one or more rights to each group. There are two groups by default: Administrators and All colleagues. The latter group can be seen as the Other folder. In addition, in this overview you will see, depending on the modules used in your domain, the corresponding Colleagues can be assigned to multiple groups, their rights will then simply be added to are added together. The admin gets a less functional role in Mercell Source-to-Contract, because the use of generic accounts is now less desirable than before. The admin account therefore cannot be added to other user groups.


Grant User Rights

Perhaps the most significant difference from before is the granting of user rights. Where in the old situation this happened at user level, the way of thinking has now been reversed and you add a colleague to the right they need. This way you have a clear overview per user right of which colleagues have been added.


Change User Group

  1. Expand the User Rights tab (left menu) and click on the Administrators tab. Here you will see an overview of all colleagues who fall into this group.

  2. Click Add to add an existing colleague to this group

  3. Scroll down to see the current permissions associated with this group. You can change these by checking or unchecking the permissions.


Create User Group

  1. Go to User permissions on the left side of the menu. Here you will see an overview of the different groups.

  2. Click New to create a new user group.

  3. Here you can give the group a name, add users and indicate what rights this group should have.

  4. To complete it, click Save


Address Book - Classic

When you use User Groups or Colleague Groups, you still set them up in the Classic environment.

  1. Click on the Mercell Source-to-Contract logo at the top left of your screen, you will now end up on the landing page.

  2. Open Tender Management in the menu on the left.

  3. Then click Classic.

  4. Go to Manage, then click on Address Book and go to Contact Groups

The method for managing User Groups or Collector Groups has not changed.



In User reports you can add colleagues to the Standard group worksheet. This is the colleague group that is managed in the Classic environment.

It is also possible to make user specific reports in User reports. Think of 'Last registration' or 'Created by'.

Hein knows this better, but I don't think a NegometrixPortal administrator has to do anything with licenses. Do we explain that somewhere?

What is the purpose of a contact person? Maybe just name it.

Was that previously called 'other' in NegometrixPortal or why do you say this? Otherwise I would simply say what that group is intended for: quickly granting certain rights to all colleagues.

This sounds a bit difficult (but could also be due to my limited NegometrixPortal admin knowledge). Isn't it true that previously it was difficult to organize functional management with several colleagues? In Mercell Source-to-Contract this is easier because you can give multiple colleagues that admin role. Sounds a bit more positive.