Improve your efficiency by accessing all documents related to the tender. This will support you to identify the most relevant and most valuable opportunities available.
Note: This article assumes you already have a subscription package that includes the option to view tendering documents. |
All available documents associated with every business opportunity are accessible from the tender summary view. Documents are listed showing the document name, upload date and size, making important documents easily identifiable.
You can open documents in the platform to view. You can also download documents either separately or multiple together.
Scroll to the end of the tender summary page to find the documents card.
Select the document name to view it in the browser
The document will then open in a new tab
Select the download icon to download individual documents to your PC/Mac
Each document will appear in your Downloads folder separately.
Select Download all (zip) to simultaneously download all documents to your Downloads folder
Or, select Show document to select specific documents for download
Select each document you wish to download
Select Download selected (zip)
Each document will appear in your Downloads folder saved in a combined .zip folder
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