
This article only applies to Sourcing Core

This article only applies to Sourcing Core

This guide explains the differences between the available Buyer roles and compares the permissions and actions each role allows you to perform.

The roles will only have the functionalities described below if the organisation has an active subscription.

Buyer roles

There are three available Buyer roles: Buyer Basic, Buyer Advanced, and Buyer Division Manager.

Buyer basic

Buyer Advanced

Buyer Division Manager

  • Create tenders

  • Invite suppliers

  • Publish tenders

  • Publish questions

  • Publish announcements

  • Access the Completed Tenders Archive

  • Download all files on a tender as a ZIP

  • Use the description template

  • Create tenders

  • Invite suppliers

  • Publish tenders

  • Publish questions

  • Publish announcements

  • Access the Completed Tenders Archive

  • Download all files from a tender as a ZIP

  • Use description templates

  • Create, edit, or delete tender descriptions

  • Create tenders

  • Publish tenders

  • Publish questions

  • Publish announcements

If you are a Basic user in your organisation and believe that your assigned Buyer role does not grant the necessary access to additional tender sections or editing rights, please contact your organisation administrator to request a change.

By following this, you can adjust your roles and help administrators understand which roles are necessary to better align with users' needs.

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