This guide will help you understand how to optimize keywords in monitoring profiles to ensure you receive relevant matches. By refining your keywords, you can reduce irrelevant matches and improve the efficiency of your monitoring process.

Note: This article assumes you have a subscription package that includes the option to create a Monitoring profile and that you have added various keywords to target tender matches.

Why Am I Receiving Certain Matches?

Monitoring profiles work by matching tenders to the criteria you’ve set up and one of them is ‘Keywords’. If your keywords are too broad, too specific, or not precise, they can generate matches that are irrelevant to your needs. Here's why:

Identifying Inexact Keywords

To identify keywords causing irrelevant matches, follow these steps:

  1. Review the notifications you've received and open the monitoring result on

  2. Check the ‘Matching Information’ section in the bottom-right corner of the notice overview page.

  3. Note any unrelated to your intended focus and compare these tenders against your ‘Keywords’.

  4. Identify the keywords that are likely triggering these matches.

  5. Is the keyword too generic or vague?

  6. Does the keyword align with your industry and target needs?

  7. Could the keyword have multiple meanings (e.g., ‘consulting’ could mean management, IT, or other types)?

Steps to Optimize Keywords

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Click on your name in the top-right corner and select ‘Monitoring profiles’ from the dropdown menu.

  3. To change the ‘Keywords’, go to the monitoring profile in question.

  4. Cross-reference the list with irrelevant matches identified earlier. If you notice that the same keyword appears repeatedly in irrelevant matches, it might indicate that the keyword is too broad.

  5. ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ any keywords identified as problematic and replace them with more specific terms.

  6. Add alternative terms or phrases that better describe your needs.

  7. If the keyword is generating too many matches, you might want to add more keywords by pressing ‘+ Add keyword’.

  8. For this, an ‘And’ operator is needed, as we want to combine the second keyword with the first one. In the example, we would only receive results for tenders that contain both ‘Survey’ and ‘Construction’ in their publications.

  1. If this still results in too many matches, you can further refine the search by changing the ‘Match within’ setting to ‘Title’ instead of ‘Select all’ to narrow down the results.


Monitor the results over a period after making changes and assess whether the relevance of matches has improved. If problems persist, repeat the process to refine the keywords further. Consider adding broader terms to increase visibility and verify that keywords are not misspelled or misconfigured.

Note: If you have an Advanced profile, you may need to contact Mercell Support to update your keywords.

By following this guide, you can refine your monitoring profile to ensure that the matches you receive are accurate and valuable to your goals. Regularly reviewing and updating your keywords is key to maintaining optimal results.

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