Price demand can be defined as a default choice for the entire sub-area (group), from which it is possible to deviate per object, or as a mandatory choice for the entire sub-area (group).

The default in this view is "Price is requested for the objects and it will affect the benchmark price", and you can change the default selection in the section "Asking the price"


The default selection for the sub-area (group) items

Asking Price.png

Price demand per object

Under the Objects section you can:

See article  creation of procurement items


The price request can be made from five options. The initial selection is selected according to the default selection of the sub-area (group), but it can be changed for each item. 

  1. Price is requested for the item and it will affect the benchmark price

  2. Price is requested for the item, the benchmark price will be calculated with a formula

  3. Price is requested for the item using a price attachment

  4. Price is requested for the item but it will not affect the benchmark price

  5. Price is not requested for the item


Object Price requested.png

  1. Price is requested for the item and it will affect the benchmark price

Object price and bidder A.png


  1. Price is requested for the item, the benchmark price will be calculated with a formula

Object Price B.png


Screenshot 2024-10-30 105229.png


Objecy price and bidder B.png


  1. Price is requested for the item using a price attachment

Object price and bidder C.png

  1. Price is requested for the item but it will not affect the benchmark price

Object price and bidder D.png
  1. Price is not requested for the item

Object price and bidder E.png


Price demand for the entire sub-area

When the price selection is made for the entire sub-area (group), the price is not asked for the individual object separately, but the price is determined from the formula or the total price created for the sub-area (group). However, items can be prepared for adjusting the criteria. 

Whole Sub-area pricing.png

The benchmark price of the sub-area (group) is calculated using the formula


subarea benchmark price formula.png

TIP: When asking for the total price for a sub-area (group), you should give the bidder good instructions on what to write in the field

Whole Sub-area price formula.png

Sub-area price is requested using a price attachment



FIGURE: The name of the price appendix is ​​defined in the common price appendix of the sub-area, which appears on the bidder's input form.