In Cloudia Sourcing, criteria-specific points and maximum points for price and/or quality can be set. In addition, scoring weight values ​​can be set for the acquired items (related to setting price points). If criterion-specific points are set for the procurement object, the bidder's points can be formed solely on the basis of these, or the maximum points for price and quality can also be included in the scoring thinking, in which case these are also taken into account in the scoring of the bidders. If price points are used, the criterion-specific points are calculated on top of the price points (the ratio to the lowest or a linear calculation is used in the price comparison) and the maximum quality points are assigned to the bidder who has received the largest number of criterion-specific points (the maximum quality points are compared using the formula of the larger ratio).


See also: 

Scoring price and quality

Set points for the criteria of the procurement target


Points are set by entering the maximum points of the criterion in the maximum point field and selecting how the points are calculated


The point calculation method to be set depends on the criterion type 


FIGURE: Scoring options for the numerical criterion. In the example, you can get 10 points for the tire inch size criterion. The points calculation method menu is open



FIGURE: Definition of graded scoring. In the example, work experience is asked using a numerical criterion. With 1-5 years of experience you get 2 points, with >5-10 years of experience you get 5 points and with more than 10 years of work experience you get 10 points


FIGURE: In the menu scoring definition window, the menu options and their scores are defined

PICTURE: When the maximum points have been entered in the drop-down menu, the scoring possibilities of the Yes/No criterion. 


Common criteria and their scoring


The procurement has not been divided into parts


The points added to the common criteria are added to the total points for a procurement that is not divided into parts.  In the comparison, the points are shown like this: 

FIGURE: Comparison table of common criteria in procurement, which is not divided into parts


The procurement is divided into parts


In procurement divided into parts, the points added to the common criteria are listed on top of the points of each sub-area, so the comparison looks like this: 

FIGURE: Comparison table of common criteria in procurement, divided into parts