The creation of a new notice is started from the "Create a new notice" section. The view switches to a new tab that adapts to the new look of Cloudia Kilpiltutus. The forms available in the organization will be selected in the menu. 


Select the desired procurement notice, the language and currency of the procurement notice, and whether the procurement notice will be made using the new criteria set for the procurement object or the old one. 



IMAGE: Create a new notice opens in a new tab


National announcements



EU notifications



Other announcements

NOTE Many notifications repeat the same fields, so the instructions can have a link to the instructions of another notification, from which the instructions for the field can be found.


HILMA's instructions have also been added to the instructions. Cloudia Oy is not responsible for the instructions given by HILMA. 

Responsible persons and rights
The notification/alarm messages of the system are sent to the defined responsible and alternate responsible persons. These persons are defined on the "Responsible persons and rights" tab.
The main responsible person for a new announcement automatically becomes the creator of the announcement, and all users of the procurement organization have the editing right. With admin-level credentials, i.e. root user credentials, you can edit the notification, even if editing rights are limited to only responsible persons.
You cannot edit a notification with a standard ID or a limited ID, if the right to edit is limited to responsible persons only.
Note! Notification messages are no longer sent to the email address entered in the procurement unit's email address field.