
This article only applies to Sourcing

This article only applies to Sourcing

Qualification criteria include requirements or other questions related to the supplier or the response. The information specified in the section automatically creates a form page on the Supplier Portal under the "Qualification criteria" tab, where the bidder answers the specified questions.


Introductory information

You can choose an introduction from pre-saved texts for the qualification criteria or by entering the introduction in the text field.

Add Qualification criteria

Create a new qualification criteria by writing the requirement in the "new requirement" field  


Qualification Criteria.png

Select the type of requirement by clicking the dropdown menu ‘Select type’. You can select one of the following types of requirements:

QC - Select Type.png


QC - Numerical.png

QC - FYI.pngQC Uploadable.png


QC - Menu.png

QC - YesNo.png


QC - Record.pngQC - Subheading.png

Edit qualification criteria

QC - Gneral Functions.png

Edit individual requirements

QC Individual - Delete and move.png

Criteria Functions

QC Individual - Criteria Functions.png

Preview qualification criteria

Click on the eye icon at the top right hand corner to open a preview of the suitability requirements in a new window

QC - Preview.png