(blue star) Notice editor footer

This release adds a footer to the Notice editor. The footer contains two features:

Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 9.48.46.png

Note: The Notice time zone feature will be rolled out incrementally in all the markets during April 2024.

(blue star) Word counters and Withheld publication

This release adds word counters under all description fields and improves validation of field length.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 11.03.10.png

The logic governing “withheld publication” functionality is also improved. When the “Withheld publication” box is checked, the related field becomes automatically required.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 11.06.03.png

(blue star) Release of updated SE national forms

Irrelevant fields previously visible in the Swedish national form E4 Voluntary ex-ante transparency notice have been removed:
Reserved participation (BT-71)
Financial arrangement (BT-77)
Number of tenders or requests to participate received (BT-759)
Type of tenders or requests to participate received (BT-760)
Value of the lowest admissible tender (BT-710)
Value of the highest admissible tender (BT-711)
Number of complainants (BT-712)
Number of buyer review requests (BT-635)
Type of alleged irregularity (BT-636)

(blue star) Release of NO-SDK version v20240116-fix02.

With this release, irrelevant fields are removed from Norwegian national notices N4, N16CN, N16CN-VOL, and N29, and validation rules are updated accordingly.

The release introduces new environmental award criterion types “Quality - Climate and environmental criteria” (Kvalitet – klima- og miljøkriterium), “Quality - Climate and environmental requirements in the requirement specification” (Kvalitet – klima- og miljøkrav i kravspesifikasjonen), Quality - Insignificant climate footprint and environmental impact (Kvalitet – uvesentlig klimaavtrykk og miljøbelastning).