The history of the internal release notes can be found here. |
Multi-lots are commonly used by the public buyers, which also requires from suppliers to digitally sign their proposals.
If the digital signing is enabled in a multi-lot tender, the suppliers should have a possibility to digitally sign their proposal using the desired signing method
Suppliers will get an extra step before submitting their multi-lot proposal - generate the receipt which should be signed.
The receipt will have all the information from the selected lots. All selected lots will get the same receipt.
Once the receipt is signed - the offer is locked for editing. The supplier may submit the proposal or do it later, while the proposal remains signed.
Signed lots are locked for editing. Can be modified during the submission period though. If modified is used, a new sign process should take place first.
In case of divergent lots, each lot can be signed and submitted separately. There is no bulk action here.
Each divergent lot has its own receipt.
Automate the process of creating award letters for suppliers as much as possible. Motivating why the supplier is or isn’t awarded and what the results are of the award criteria is an important factor. With this new feature we will support in creating the motivation and apply consensus if this is desired by the buyer.
An overview of all evaluation performed and their comments per award criteria and the possibility to overrule the average score of the evaluators with a consensus score. Beside that the buyer can add an external comment per criteria that will be included in the award letter when they use the award motivation placeholder.
Enable in BPM/tender
BPM → Workflow → Round → Round settings → Offer card:
Turn on the award motivation and consensus feature in the BPM.
All tenders will have this round setting but the feature is turned off and locked, with this release we will unlock it for all tender so buyer can turn the feature on in existing tenders.
In the tender round settings:
Start award motivation and consensus
When the buyer clicks on the motivation button beside the evaluate button the evaluators are not longer able to perform their evaluations.
Buyer will land in the purple overlay where he can perform 7 different actions
Navigate via the drop-down
Navigate with the side menu
Navigate with the next and previous buttons on the sticky footer
Overrule the evaluation score (average of all evaluators)
Overrule score will use the same scale as the evaluators
Overrule pop-up in the all score is also update to reflect above possibilities
Add the external comment (award motivation)
Add internal comment
Copy comments from evaluator or internal comment to the external comment section
Focus of the user will jump to the external comment after click
Cope multiple comments will add them after each other if you have not put your cursor
If your cursor is in the external comment section the text will be added where the cursor is
Use the award motivation in the award letter
Add the [[AwardingMotivation]] placeholder into the letter templates
Award motivation is added per question
If external comment is empty nothing is added
Multi-lot case we show the award motivation per lot
In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:
New digital signing method MitID (Denmark), it supposed to replace the existing NemID. For now we still support both - NemID and MitID.
Enable awarding motivation and consensus - now available in Tender Assistant
Publication - For Norwegian publications, the Doffin reference number is displayed below each notice once it’s published.
Amplitude - Additional data like organization number, S2C user ID and award details are added to the tracking.
Read more / read less - Align the usages of this on all places in the system. We will truncate text after X lines this will be different per page as some place we have more or less space to show text
Re-branding tabs - we use new style for tabs on all places of S2C TM
In this release [..] bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs:
Publication - A bug is fixed where changes of the allowed languages were not shown properly.