(blue star) Recordings




Basic user and admin training

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i_CHK-W93ETAH_F6HBkE1RBxVrlOGr-G/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qjDefRa86TdBQmqRttHVxxHF6RrEPxQS/view?usp=sharing


How to: implement, train and specials



How to: demonstrate



(blue star) Instructions



 Admin documentation














(blue star) Q&A session

Q&A sessions will be held on the following dates:

4pm - 5pm

4pm - 5pm

In order to participate it is mandatory to complete the assignments which are part of the basic user training (check the instruction document). In addition you must send in your questions 4 days prior to the Q&A sessions. Questions can be send to consultancy@mercell.com After this the consultant will check if the assignments are done and sends you the invitation link to the Q&A session.