In this example we will pretend that we are working within the cleaning sector and that we are specifically interested in finding notices concerning cleaning in office spaces.

(blue star) Let’s write some keywords in the search field that fit our field:

This already gives us some interesting results but we are a small company and we are only interested in assignments that take place in our local area.

(blue star) We write Rogaland OR Stavanger in the search field and add it to our search.

Very nice, now we only see notices that have the cities Rogaland or Stavanger in the description.
There are a lot of different notice types in our results. At the moment we are only interested in contract notices.

(blue star) We choose contract notice from the filter section below the search field

This enables us to only see contract notices which was exactly what we were interested in. Now, we would like to save this search so that we can easily go back to it later.

(blue star) We click on “save alert”.

(blue star) When saving a search remember to name it appropriately.

You can choose to get a daily email notification with the latest updates for your alert. Let’s do that.

(blue star) Leave the checkbox checked to receive updates on and click save alert.

Now that the alert has been saved we can go and have a look at it on the my alerts page.

(blue star) Let’s click on “Manage alerts” to the right on the screen

Here you can see all the alerts that you have created. You can also rename, edit, delete and turn email notifications on and off.

Good luck creating and saving your searches.

(blue star) Go to this example to see how to use the search in more detail
(blue star) Go to this page to see a full list of Mercell Tender Finder’s search options.