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Internal release notes 2023 - Sprint 139 (Source-to-Contract)

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The history of the internal release notes can be found here.

(blue star) Sprint 139

No big items were part of this sprint; the focus was mainly om small topics.


  • Filtering - The available forms were not filtered based on prefilled values (like Country, Legal). They only got filtered if you change one of these values. This has now been fixed so that the list of available forms is filtered when first opening the window to create a form.

  • TenderNed number validation - Validation has been added to reduce the chance of having a wrong number. It will now check that there are 2-9 digits filled out.

  • Mandatory fields - Mandatory icons have been added in the form creation window, to provide better guidance for the users which fields they need to fill out.

  • Status - A bug has been resolved where only the national status appears for a change notice of European procedure.

  • Lots - The option to add a lot in MeForms was visible. This has now been hidden to prevent mismatches between S2C and MeForms. This means lots can only be determined in S2C.

  • Change notice - A bug has been resolved that in some cases could lead to an Error 500 when creating a change notice.

Supplier services

  • At November 15 the integration for NL Supplier Services was disabled mainly due to feedback from the buyer side. Some changes have been made to the pop-ups, and mostly to the translations. Preparations have now been completed so the integration can be re-enabled anytime after the upcoming Production deployment (exact date TBD).

  • The changes concern the following:

    • Mandatory pop-up step 1 will continue 1 block with more clear information (instead of 2 separate blocks).

    • Translations have been reviewed and optimized.

    • All suppliers who have not upgraded their account, will again see the pop-up.

Small changes

In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:

  • Tender properties - In tender properties is now shown which BPM was used to create this tender. This should help the user / service desk to identify issues faster.

  • Email notification - The email notification for suppliers that were disqualified for a DPS contains a URL. The landing page of this notification has been changed to land on the Offer page.

  • Security - A PEN test item was resolved regarding disallowing reused passwords.

Bug fixes

  • In this release

  • No labels


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