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Internal release notes 2023 - Sprint 138 (Source-to-Contract)

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(blue star) Sprint 138

TM - MeForms general


At 25-Oct 2023 eForms will become mandatory in Europe. In Mercell, we have 1 application that will support eForms which we internally call “MeForms” (for Mercell Forms). S2C used to send all publication forms to TenderNed, TED, Doffin, etc. But from then onwards, all publication forms will be sent by the MeForms application. The MeForms application will be enabled in S2C in 3 steps:

  • 23-Oct: Run a script that updates all BPMs. All new tenders will generate eForms.

  • 24-Oct: Run a script that updates all already created but NOT published tenders to generate eForms.

  • 31-Dec: Run a script that updates all existing tenders to generate eForms.

    • Exception is Germany: for all German organizations we will run this script already on 24-Oct.


Below a list of what is important to know about MeForms integration. They will be explained in further detail in separate chapters.

  • Template values for eForms

  • BPM settings

  • Creating a form

  • Filling out a form and publishing it

  • Creating a change notice from a published form

  • Creating a follow-up notice in an already published tender

  • One-time change notices

TM - MeForms template values

  • In the Organization profile > menu Tender management > menu Templates, a new section is added 'Publication forms'. This section is only visible for public buyers.

  • Organization admins can fill out values here, which are general throughout the organization. Filling out any values here, will prefill those values in all eForms created afterwards.

  • There are currently 3 sections (to be extended later) with fields where those default values can be set.

  • It’s highly recommended to prefill the first section about the Review Body, since this is mandatory in almost every eForm.

  • In MeForms, the organization will then look like this:

  • In the Organization profile, there’s a field present called “Legal basis“.

  • It’s also recommended to fill-out this value, as it will be prefilled when creating a new eForm in a tender. It will filter the list of available forms based on this Legal basis.

    • In case an organization uses multiple Legal basis, it’s recommended to keep it empty in the organization profile. This way, buyers will always need to select the right Legal basis per tender to filter the correct list of forms.

TM - MeForms BPM settings

  • To make use of eForms, the “MeForms application” needs to be enabled in the BPM.

    • This is already done via the script that ran on 23-Oct 2023.

    • Other publication authorities should NOT be enabled. Only MeForms application, Mercell and Published tenders page need to be enabled.

    • The section “Publication forms” should be empty. Selecting any forms here, will block the creation of any other forms in those tenders.

  • Another additional BPM setting is the “One-time change notice in eForms format“

  • By enabling this feature, a button will appear in the Publication menu of a tender. This button will allow users to create a one-time change notice in eForms format, which they can link to their publication process in the 'old format'. After doing this, they can continue creating eForms for further follow-up notices in this tender. Usually, tenders where this feature is enabled will only be used for publication purposes (the actual tender with suppliers, offers etc. is in a different application like Negometrix3 or NegometrixPortal).

    • When enabling this, MeForms application also has to be enabled.

    • More detailed information about how this works can be found in the separate chapter on this page.

TM - MeForms Creating a form

  • After clicking the ADD button in the publication menu, a pop-up appears. In this pop-up, multiple fields can be filled out. See the table below for additional information about these fields.

  • Selecting Legal basis and (sub) categories, limits the amount of available forms. Please note it’s not mandatory to fill them out.

  • For some forms it’s required to have some data filled-out in S2C first. If it’s not filled out and you try to add a form, a validation message will appear (see further down below). The user needs to go back, update the value and then the form can be created.

  • Please note that forms 1, 2 and 3 are NOT available for NL (this is correct, as they are omitted by TenderNed).

  • In case users are struggling to find the right eForm, they can use this conversion sheet that should help them select the right form:





From the user profile

Need to make sure to fill out the form in this language


From the organization profile

Determines to which publication authority the form will be sent to

TenderNed no.

From the organization profile

Only for NL. In case it’s prefilled from org. profile, it’s locked. In case it’s empty in org. profile, it can be filled out here.



Only for NL. Select National or European.

Legal basis

From the organization profile

Optional field to limit possible forms



Optional field to limit possible forms



Optional field to limit possible forms



Select the actual required form

TM - MeForms Filling out a form and publishing it

  • After creating a form, it will appear in the usual way. By clicking on it, a new tab opens in the browser.

  • The user can either go through the sections on the left step by step, or use the Checklist to validate for all mandatory fields.

  • After filling all mandatory fields, and passing validation successfully note that the Notice status will change to “Ready for publication“.

  • By closing the MeForms editor tab, the user gets back to S2C and the page is automatically refreshed.

    • In case the user leaves the MeForms editor tab opened, he needs to refresh the S2C page manually.

TM - MeForms Creating a change notice from a published form

  • In Tender man

TM - MeForms Creating a follow-up notice in an already published tender

  • In Tender man

TM - MeForms One-time change notices

  • In Tender man

  • Some examples of statuses and publish button:

Small changes

In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:

  • TM - Addition of an extra endpoint to the TenderGuid, which allows customers to export tender data at a certain moment in time, instead of using the Archive functionality.

  • TM - Drag-and-drop in the requirements will not be triggered by clicking anywhere on the card but on the designated place in the card.

  • TM - From now on it’s possible for suppliers to unsubmit their offer in DPSs when the status is ‘Admitted’.

  • TM - Legal basis is added to the organizational profile. This will help buyers with the creation of eForms (not visible until the deployment of eForms in October.

  • TM - Multiple changes to the messages module have been

    • When receiving replies within a message thread, the message will now move up top again.

    • The date and timestamp in the main message menu will now display the date/time of the latest received message.

    • Multiple UI changes within a message to make the screens more clear and consistent. This means displaying some information is now shown in a different place, and also getting rid of some redundant information.

Bug Fixes

In this release, 16 bugs have been resolved.

  • No labels


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