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Internal release notes 2023 - Sprint 123 (Source-to-Contract)

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(blue star) Sprint 123 (December 7th 2022)

BPM - Tooltips & Inline help text


The BPM module is a very advanced tool which our BPM Managers (Consultants) use to define either national or customer specific tender logic. There is no documentation on BPM features and settings, which lead to broken BPM on Live environment.


The stakeholders interviews identified as a quick win and the first thing to do “online help”, so that BPM managers could instantly get an info on a feature, section or concrete BPM setting.


Inside a BPM process features and sections received the (info) icon and tooltip text.

Since the BPM settings keep the most sophisticated logic, the explanation is show as inline help and the option to expand it if the text is too big.

TM -




Small changes

In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:

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Bug Fixes

In this release [..] bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs:

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