Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


An overview of all evaluation performed and their comments per award criteria and the possibility to overrule the average score of the evaluators with a consensus score. Beside that the buyer can add an external comment per criteria that will be included in the award letter when they use the award motivation placeholder.


Enable in BPM/tender

BPM → Workflow → Round → Round settings → Offer card:


In the tender round settings:


Start award motivation and consensus

  • When the buyer clicks on the motivation button beside the evaluate button the evaluators are not longer able to perform their evaluations.

  • Buyer will land in the purple overlay where he can perform 7 different actions

  • Navigate via the drop-down

  • Navigate with the side menu

  • Navigate with the next and previous buttons on the sticky footer

  • Overrule the evaluation score (average of all evaluators)

    • Overrule score will use the same scale as the evaluators

    • Overrule pop-up in the all score is also update to reflect above possibilities

  • Add the external comment (award motivation)

  • Add internal comment

  • Copy comments from evaluator or internal comment to the external comment section

    • Focus of the user will jump to the external comment after click

    • Cope multiple comments will add them after each other if you have not put your cursor

    • If your cursor is in the external comment section the text will be added where the cursor is

Use the award motivation in the award letter

  • Add the [[AwardingMotivation]] placeholder into the letter templates

  • Award motivation is added per question

    • If external comment is empty nothing is added

    • Multi-lot case we show the award motivation per lot

TM - Notify evaluators with system message


Notify evaluators that they can start with evaluation and doing this in a user friendly way is the aim.


Buyer can notify all evaluators that have assigned evaluations. These evaluators will both receive an in-app as email notification, with a link that will lead them directly to the evaluation screen.


  • A buyer clicks on notify on the evaluators page where the buyer can assign the evaluations

    • A pop-up is shown, like you see below

    • Buyer can add optional comment to the evaluators

      Image Added
  • Evaluators will receive an in-app and email notification

    • In-app

      Image Added
    • Email

      Image Added

Small changes

In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:

  • New digital signing method MitID (Denmark), it supposed to replace the existing NemID. For now we still support both - NemID and MitID.

  • Enable awarding motivation and consensus - now available in Tender Assistant

  • Publication - For Norwegian publications, the Doffin reference number is displayed below each notice once it’s published.

  • Amplitude - Additional data like organization number, S2C user ID and award details are added to the tracking.

  • Read more / read less - Align the usages of this on all places in the system. We will truncate text after X lines this will be different per page as some place we have more or less space to show text

    Image RemovedImage Added
  • Re-branding tabs - we use new style for tabs on all places of S2C TM

  • Supplier name + (offer name) - the format of Supplier name + (offer name) is now used on all places after the vault is opened. So buyer will always now from who the offer is.

  • Mandatory recommend tasks - Mandatory RC tasks have a label attached so it’s clear that they are mandatory for that phase, both in the overview as on the status and tasks pop-up

    Image Added
  • Recommended tasks clickable - Most RC tasks have a link to the page where the task can be performed. These links are now added to the status and tasks pop-up, so user can redirect to the correct place from this pop-up that is available on all pages of the tender.

  • Evaluation document no offers - when the tender has no offer, there is no need to create a evaluation document. This feature is removed when the tender has no offers.

  • Send evaluation document in all phases - Evaluation document can now also be send / attached to a message when the tender is in the awarding phase.

  • Mandatory evaluation comments - in the round setting the evaluation comments can be set to mandatory. When the evaluator give a score he will see a validation warning that he must commit a comment as well.

  • P/Q ratio on evaluation model - The P/Q ratio is added to the evaluation model page, so buyer have this P/Q ratio when the are assigning points to questions.

Bug Fixes

In this release [..] bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs:
