Microsoft Azure single sign-on with Mercell
To configure single sign-on for with Azure, you need to have an Azure AD subscription and a Mercell SSO product.
In the Azure portal, on the left navigation panel, click Azure Active Directory icon.
The result should look something like this
Click save
Your SSO setup is now completed. (SSO enforcement is optional, but recommended)
SSO - The SSO Enforcement consequence
This script is used to do an AD BIND, which ensures that your existing users inside our portal are not asked to register as new users in our portal, when they start using the SSO. You can import this as Customer administrator by first "Export users". This will export an Excel file where only "User ID" is editable.
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There is also a large impact on how the processes for creating new users are, both before, during and after the production. The success of the implementation will be determined on good control of the monitoring of this, as well as good communication with all relevant users involved.
Find more about new users here
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