Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Template values for eForms

  • BPM settings

  • Creating a form

  • Filling out a form and publishing it

  • Creating a change notice from a published form

  • Creating a follow-up notice in an for already published tendertenders

  • One-time change notices

TM - MeForms template values


  • Once a form is full published, the user will see a button “CREATE CHANGE NOTICE“ when they mouse over this form. Also, the 3 dot menu option “Create change notice“ will now be enabled. By clicking on it, a Change notice will be created and shown below.

    • Please note this is different behavior as with the old schema forms, where the user would open the original notice, make changes and publish them from there on. Only after publishing those changes, the F14 form would become visible.

  • This Change notice will be an exact copy of the form it was created from, besides the fields that are ‘locked’ which will be updated. The user can open the form, and simply adjust what is required.

  • The main difference with a regular notice, is the “Changes” section in the left hand menu. All changes done in the form will automatically be listed here.

  • After completing all changes, the buyer can run the validation again and publish it like a regular notice.

  • Please note that a next Change notice can only be created from this last published change notice.


TM - MeForms Creating a follow-up notice


for already published



  • When a user for example has published a “Planning” notice, and now wants to continue in the same tender with a “Competition” notice, he can create this follow-up notice through the Add button.

    • He will see that there’s some data “locked” and can not be changed. The fields Language, Country, TenderNed number, Procedure and Legal basis can not be changed, as they need to be similar as the previous notice.

    • Also, the list of available forms is limited. In this example, the buyer has a published form number 4. For follow-up notices, only a few other forms are ‘allowed’ by TED. If a buyer would create a different form and publish it, it would get rejected. For that reason, we help the buyers in selecting the right follow-up forms.

  • For users that are creating a new tender, but still want to link this follow-up notice to a previous notice, they should always fill-out the Previous planning or Previous notice field in the Procedure section. After adding such a notice, the field “Identifier of the previous notice“ needs to be filled out.

    • This is in the format XXXXXX-YYYY, e.g. 123456-2023.


TM - MeForms One-time change notices

  • In Tender mancase a user has a published tender in the old schema format and in a different application, from which they can no longer send publication forms, they can create so called “one-time change notices” in S2C. This basically means the user can create a change notice in eForm format, and link this to a form created with the old schema format.

    • Please note this now regards NegometrixPortal buyers, and from 01-jan-2024 onwards also Negometrix3 buyers.

  • To achieve this, users need to create a tender where a specific BPM setting is enabled (along with the MeForms authority = Enabled).

  • Important notes before using this feature:

    • Usually buyers would want to complete their tender in their current application (because suppliers already in there). This means, that this S2C-tender is only created for publication purposes.

    • This means that the Participate button (on the Published Tenders page) should be disabled.

    • Also, the buyer should consider having a proper description on the Published Tenders page, to indicate this is just a change notice and that the process is taking place in a different application already. The notice will get published on TenderNed/TED, so suppliers will try to access it. So that should be very clear to prevent any confusion.

  • When users create a tender, they will now see a new button in the publication menu called “Create one-time eForms change notice“. When clicking it, the user will see an almost identical pop-up as to when creating a new form.

  • The only change is there’s a different header and different help text. To guide users in selecting the right form, a URL is added which links to a website. Here, all ‘old schema forms’ are listed, along with the new eForms numbers, so buyers can see which old form corresponds to a new eForm. This is important, because buyers need to make sure they create a change notice that has the exact same type as their original notice.

    • For example: buyer published a F02, and now wants to create a change notice in eForms format. He needs to select form 16.

  • Important notes while using this feature in a tender:

    • Before creating it: user needs to make sure to manually select and fill-out the right details such as Language, Country, TenderNed number, Procedure etc.

    • When creating the notice, data is prefilled from the tender as regular. It’s important to have the data as much in line with their original notice as possible.

    • The Previous planning or Previous notice field in the Procedure section should always be filled in this change notice. After adding such a notice, the field “Identifier of the previous notice“ needs to be filled out.

      • This is in the format XXXXXX-YYYY, e.g. 123456-2023.

    • There is no automatic comparison between original notice and this one-time change notice. For that reason, it’s recommended to specify the actual changes in the Changes section to make this clear for all suppliers.

  • After publishing this change notice, additional change notices can be created in the regular way: on mouse-over the latest published form in this tender.

  • Buyers can also continue in creating follow-up notices for this procedure, in this same tender.

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Small changes

In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:
