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This guide will help you navigate the search functionality for tenders and publications within the platform, allowing you to find relevant opportunities quickly and efficiently.


Note: This article assumes you have a subscription license that includes access to the search feature.

To use the search functionality:

  1. Click on the Explore option located on the left sidebar menu.

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  2. At the top of the Explore page, you will find a search bar where you can search using various parameters, including:

    • Keywords: Type in specific terms related to the tenders you are interested in.

    • Contracting Authorities: Enter the name of the authority you wish to find tenders from.

    • CPV Codes: Use specific CPV codes to narrow down your search to particular categories of contracts.

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  3. After entering your search criteria, click the Explore button to view the search results.

  4. You will see a list of tenders that match your search criteria.

  5. On the search results page, you will have options to further refine your search using various filters.


Filter Options Include:

  • Locations: Specify geographical areas relevant to your search.

  • Tender Status: Filter by active, closed or upcoming tenders.

  • Opportunity Types: Select from different types of opportunities (e.g. bids, quotes).

  • Publication Date: Narrow down results by specific publication dates.

  • Click on All Filters to see additional filtering options. You can choose which filters you want to pin for future searches.

  • You can also search for tenders that are no longer active by selecting the “Include Inactive Tenders” option in the All Filters menu. This will show tenders that are closed or have expired but may still be relevant to your interests.

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Search keywords

To begin looking for potential opportunities, enter in the keywords for the types of matches you would like to see.

Enter the keywords into the search bar.

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The results of the search will show matches where the keyword(s) have been included in the title, summary or tender information.

Search within a time frame

It is also possible to set a time frame to filter the business opportunity matches that fall within specific dates of when they were published, or when the deadline for bids will be.

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Use filters

Click on “More filters” to filter your search even further.

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  • Include inactive tenders: Check this box if you would like to include all inactive tenders; these are tenders that are considered inactive 30 days after the deadline or, if it does not have a deadline, 30 days after the publication date.

  • Monitoring profile: If you have set up multiple monitoring profiles, you can choose to filter your matches so that you only receive hits that match a specific profile you have set up. 

  • Location: Select the location from which you would like to get tenders from. If you select a parent region i.e. the country of delivery, all city locations will be automatically selected. Note that the available location options depend on your subscription. You should contact your organisation administrator if you require more permissions. 

  • Tender status: Choose whether you would like to see tenders with no deadlines, a deadline that has already passed or tenders for which a contract has been awarded.

  • Opportunity types:  Choose the type of opportunities you would like to explore from Concession, Contract and/or Procurement Plan. Read more about these here.

  • Deadline: Any tender with a deadline date within your selected date range will be included in the results. You can either enter specific dates for this range or select one of the quick options listed. This automatically updates the time frame shown on the main page.

  • Publication date: Any tender that has been published within your selected date range will be included in the results. Again, similar to the deadline filter, you can either enter specific dates for this range or select one of the quick options listed. This automatically updates the time frame shown on the main page.

  • Original Language: You can choose to filter the tenders based on the language it was originally published in. 

  • Categories (CPV): To be even more specific, you can filter the matches based on CPV codes. Click on “add more categories” to select one or multiple CPV codes. Remember, CPV is a catalogue of over 9000 product and service codes and are used as keywords to make it easier to identify a specific product or service.

By following these steps, you can efficiently search, filter and manage tender/publication results to match your business needs.

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