Overview | Name and contact purchasing organisation , recommended tasks and new messages. | |
Schedule | Overview of all deadlines and deadlines within this tender process. | |
Team | Colleague overview. Set who is the contact person within this tender on behalf of your organisation. You can also add partner organisations here. | |
Messages | Messages: 1-to-1 messaging between you and the tendering organisation. | |
Properties | Settings for this tender determined by the purchasing organisation. |
Question and answerHier kun je vragen stellen voor de vragenronde (Nota van Inlichtingen) en alle gepubliceerde antwoorden lezen | Here you can ask questions for the question round and read all published answers | |
Offer | Inhoud van de Contents of the tender; documentendocuments, vragenlijstquestionnaire, prijslijstprice list.LET OP! Het woord 'Offerte' kan door de inkopende organisatie worden aangepast. |
NB! The word 'Offer' can be adjusted by the purchasing organization. |
Do you have questions about the content of the tender? Please contact the buyer via message or the Question & Answer module in the tender.