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Sprint 121 (November 17th 2022)
The three-dot menu is replaced with the “import” icon”. All options related to importing questions are shown here. We also moved the “Snippet” option to this Import button. We are changing the translation from “Snippet” to “Question Template” since this name is more meaningful.
Drag & Drop
One or multiple questions can be dragged and dropped in and between questionnaires and sections
TM - Supplier Groups/Shortlists
As part of the “Tender management” module the Supplier Groups will be added as sub-menu item to this module. From that page the buyer will be managing supplier groups by creating new groups, adding suppliers from the Database or from previous tenders.
Accessing Supplier Groups page
The Supplier Groups is part of the Tender Management and as such will be its sub-menu
Create a new supplier group
In order to create/edit/delete a supplier group a new Organization security permission is introduced - Manage Supplier groups. Employees with this permission will see the CREATE GROUP button.
A supplier group can be ether shared with the entire organization OR the person with the proper permission may create the group for themselves. Use Access right property to set it per group.
Please note, by default all organization employees will be able to access supplier groups with Access right = Organization.
Add a supplier organization from the Database
The first option to find a supplier and add them to the group is to search by Supplier’s details.
Search is initiated as the user starts typing - at least 2 chars needed before we trigger the search
Keep the existing commonly used highlight functionality
Search logic:
First Seach in organization name
We assume all the info is public, no restrictions regarding the privacy
Next search in Organization’s registration number
Next search in First Name and Last name of the organization’s contact person
Next search in contact person’s e-mail
Add a supplier organization from the previous tender(s)
The second option to find a supplier and add them to the group is to search for suppliers from the previous tenders.
Mark a group as favorite
There are several ways of marking/unmarking a group as favorite:
When mouse over the row in the list of the groups
Via 3-dots menu in the list of the groups
From the inner page of the selected group, next to the group’s name
By default all favorite groups appear on the top ordered A-Z, then we show non-favorited groups also ordered A-Z.
Use the supplier group when inviting
Once define, the Supplier groups can be used when inviting suppliers in a tender. There is a dedicated tab in the invitation page, which tab lists all available to the current user groups.
TM - Swedish national publication forms
To enable Swedish buyers to use their national forms so they can be compliant in S2C.
In the BPM there’s a new publication authority added called ‘Swedish national publications’. Also 8 national Swedish forms have been created, plus the rectification notice.
A separate BPM should be created for Swedish national publications. In Features > Publication only publication authority Swedish national publications should be enabled. In this same section, you should only enable the forms V2 till V9.
When using this in a tender, publishing a form will be done almost straightaway (close to no waiting time). On the backend, data will be sent to the DHW, so other Mercell systems can pick it up and publish the publication data elsewhere.
Small changes
In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:
Webhooks for lots are modified so we only sent webhook for main tender if the main tender status is changed.
New endpoint v1/tender created in the integration API to retrieve basic information on a tender and to understand the structure of main tender, lots and rounds.
Evaluators without the permission to see price will see a new keyword when the vault is opened “Price locked. No permissions to view price”
Verification - Verification is now a setting that can be managed in the tender itself > round settings. All tenders and BPMs are updated so it can be managed there.
Verification - Tooltip and validation has been added to make it more clear a deadline needs to be entered / updated (also when allowing a resubmission).
Verification - When importing a requirements template with questions marked for verification into a tender where verification is disabled, will from now on still import all questions. Only the tag ‘verification’ is removed. Some bugs related to this action automatically got irrelevant now because of this change (also when using the tender assistant to create a tender).
Publications - For each publication form, the publication form language will now be shown in a yellow bar in the preliminary questions section. This is done to prevent that TED will reject a form because the publication form language is in language A, while the content of the form is actually in language B.
In general, the form language is decided by the user profile language at the time of creating the publication form. This can not be changed afterwards, other than deleting the form > changing the user profile language > recreate the form.
Per publication authority, there are different rules to take into account:TenderNed: only NL and English allowed (if NL selected > NL is language, otherwise ENG).
Udbud: only DK allowed (so this will always be the publication form language)
Doffin: only NO allowed (so this will always be the publication form language)
Swedish: only SE allowed (so this will always be the publication form language)
TED (directly): all EU languages allowed (otherwise ENG).
Publications - The 48-hour rule is implemented for Swedish buyers. This means when your company country is Sweden, and you send an EU notice, this will now be published after 48 hours max.
Publications - For Doffin (national) forms the option ‘To TED’ is moved to the preliminary questions or hidden altogether to prevent confusion. Also, the email notification if an EU notice is translated by Doffin (and ready to be reviewed by the buyer) is now sent to the buyer.
Bug Fixes
In this release [..] bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs:
Publications - Awarded supplier data will now be added for all lots, instead of only the first.
Verification - When adding verification questions through Awarding, they are now added in the correct order.
Copy requirements from previous tender - Multiple bugs were fixed regarding copying from multi-round tenders. Also clicking outside the pop-up window has been disabled.
MFA - Multiple bugs were fixed regarding redirecting users when clicking ‘back to login’. Also excluding a colleague will now be done when clicking on the Save button (instead of straightaway).