Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The history of the internal release notes can be found here.


  • Publication - Prefilling awarded suppliers - For award notices, the awarded suppliers are now prefilled as an organization. This only happens for forms 25-37, and only the suppliers that are marked as “Awarded” in the award menu of a tender, will be added when a form is created. Please note that they still need to be selected in the right section within the form.

  • NEEDS TESTING: DPS disqualification comments - Suppliers struggle to find the comments after their application has been disqualified in a DPS. The comments are now shown more prominently within the Requirements section of their offer.

  • NEEDS TESTING: TenderGuid endpoint - Buyers can get access to an API endpoint with which they can get all their tender data, as often as they want. This can be used by organization who want their tender data in another (BI) tool and combine it with data of other internal tools.
    Please note: a guide of how to use this can be used is not yet available. This will be created later.

  • image-20240214-071944.pngImage Added

Intake Management

  • Searchable picklist options - Some picklist options became very long and this mainly occurred in the Intakemanagement module. We decided to change the behavior for fields that have more than 10 picklist options so we do not overcomplicate small lists, but simplify the process for long lists.

  • Please note that we had to withdraw this functionality from the initial launch, but we’re aiming to deploy this soon after.

Contract Management

  • Replace task owners - Within the Contract Management admin menu, a new menu has been added called “Task Management”. This allows admins to easily replace the owner of a task with another user. The admin can pick a user in the “Assigned to” picklist, which automatically updates the list of tasks assigned to that user. Note that the list will only show users who have a task assigned to them. After selecting a user in the second picklist, the admin can click on “Replace” which prompts a warning. Confirmation will result in a replacement of task owners. This action will be logged in the Domain logs.

  • Visible meta-fields - Within the Contract Management admin menu, a new sub-menu has been added to the “Fields” menu. This is called “Meta fields”, similar to how SRM works. The addition of this menu allows users to view all available meta fields, change the custom name of this meta field, make them read-only (to fill the field through an API for example), and add a help text.


  • General - Before, it was only possible to mark text as yellow. Now, multiple colors have been added to either color the text itself, or to use to mark text. This can be used at all locations where text formatting is allowed (e.g. Requirements, Messages).

  • Tender - Round settings - The option to share requirements on the Published Tenders page was available for every round. From now on, this is only available to manage in round 1. For any follow-up round, this option is disabled to prevent buyers accidentally share requirements of follow-up rounds.

  • Tender - Templates > Publication - Improved display of mandatory fields in the Publication template section. Before, all fields showed a mandatory icon. Now, only the fields that are actually mandatory in MeForms show this icon. Please note that it’s not mandatory to fill-out all these values in the Publication template: it’s only to indicate which fields are mandatory in MeForms (so users can actually fill-out just 1 or 2 fields, and save without all mandatory being filled out).

  • Tender > Publication - Disabled action ‘delete’ in 3 dot menu when form is in Error state. When a form is in Error state, buyers often want to delete the form (to create a new one). This action would lead to an Error 500 screen. For that reason, the 3 dot menu to ‘delete’ a form is disabled. When mousing over the option a tooltip is shown “It’s not possible to delete a form in Error state. Please create a new form or tender if required“. In future iterations it will become possible for buyers

  • Supplier services - user profile - In the user profile > subscription section, the EDIT button is hidden so suppliers can no longer change their subscription from that location. Upgrading their subscription can be done from the main tender dashboard. If suppliers want to downgrade their subscription, they need to get in touch with their Customer Success Manager (its still possible to downgrade a subscription for Mercell Admins).

  • IM: Export the design of the form - Users can now export the design page of the form into a .pdf file.

  • CM: Pagination - The Contract File overview can contain now 100 contracts before we separate them into pages. This has been done to prevent performance issues in case of many contracts.

  • Servicedesk Portal - Within the domain settings, we added a new section called “Incomplete supplier registrations”. This lists all not-completed supplier registrations from the SRM open link functionality. Before, suppliers who did not verify their e-mail were stuck and Customer Support could not help them. With the functionalities “Resend”, “Copy” or “Delete” they can help them with either resending (the customer receives a new validation mail), copying (support can send them the link), or deleting (the supplier registry is deleted so they can register again).

  • Technical - Emails are now sent via MailJet instead of Sendgrid.
