Info |
The history of the internal release notes can be found here. |
Align supplier answer for the price question in purple overlay to be a read only text and not a grayed out input field.
Amplitude - Add amplitude tracking on the published tender page
Amplitude - The current userID is replaced by the hashed email address of the user (to improve chances of tracking this user cross platforms).
MFA - Users that were excluded from the MFA process by an admin, are now automatically added to the MFA log in process after 7 days. A scheduled task is added which does this check and updates the list of excluded users.
Publication - A new email notification is introduced to inform users about publication forms that get into error state. This email is sent to all unmuted users with the permission to manage publications. Only for publications rejected by Doffin, the reason of rejection is also included in this email.
Tender - Verification - The design of the export of the Verification documents per supplier has been changed to match the existing export of all Questionnaire answers per supplier. Also, a timestamp has been added.
BPM - Swedish publication authority and Swedish forms are added. This should NOT be used yet. More information will be provided in the next release.
Bug Fixes
In this release [..] bugs have been resolved. Please find below a list of the noteworthy bugs:
Tender/Multilot - Public tender export is downloaded twice
Tender - Offer tab - Submission phase - Show who has submitted an offer is disabled - wrong keyword
Tender - Offer tab - Evaluation progress/statistic is not shown correctly when “Show who has submitted an offer” is disabled
Tender - Publication tab - Fixed a bug which could cause the TED status to disappear altogether (after opening / changing a published form, without rectifying it).
Tender - Publication tab - Doffin forms - Some issues with the Approve/Reject button have been fixed.
Tender - Verification - If awarding is finalized, the deadline can no longer be changed.
Tender - Verification - In the deadline date picker, the name of the verification process can no longer be changed.
Note: I’ve created the Sprint 121 section because before going on vacation Ardine described the TM - Requirements iteration 2: Navigation and overview and added it to Sprint 120. This functionality will NOT be available in Sprint 120 but Sprint 121.
Sprint 121 (November 16th 2022)