In the Tender ServiceTendering module, suppliers can ask questions to the procurement entity regarding the current tender. It is possible to submit additional information questions until the deadline specified by the procuring entity in the procurement tender notice.
Question management can be accessed from the -
Under this function you can Manage Questions and Answers in at different stages.
Through Active tender functions
Go to ‘Information page’ and scroll down to ‘Go to question management’
Go to "Additional information questions" tab.
Through Home page settings
Call for tenders are listed in the questions management view. The listing is organized so that call for tenders with open questions unanswered come first.
Questions related to a particular tender can be viewed by selecting the tender.
You can save without being sent using the function. After saving, the question moves to the middle tab ‘In Progress’.
‘Revert to received’
Remove the answer and return any question/ bundled questions back to the inbox.
‘Save and publish’
An e-mail is sent to the e-mail address entered in the recipients field and to everyone familiar with the call for tender.
Bundle the selected into one question