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To create a tender you have to start with Notice.

New notification

Creating a new eForms notification:

  1. Click 'New notice'

  2. Select ‘Country’ from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select ‘Language’ of the notice from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select 'Currency' from the dropdown menu.

  5. Select ‘Directive’ from the dropdown menu.

  6. Select ‘Type’ from the dropdown menu.

  7. Select ‘Subtype’ from the dropdown menu.

  8. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to answer if ‘This contract is divided into lots?’.

  9. Click ‘Create notice’




Name and addresses

  • The contact information comes automatically pre-filled according to the information stored in the system and can be modified if necessary.


Usage tip: When name and address information is edited on the form, the information is not permanently stored in the contact information detail register, but only applies to request call for quotationtenders

Permanent edits must be made Contact details register.


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Area code or NUTS code (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics)

  • The region code should be set on eForms as a NUTS3 classification code and the selected NUTS code must be from the most detailed level


Joint procurement

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A joint procurement unit procuring goods and/or services intended for other buyers:

A joint procurement unit that acquires purchases goods or services and sells resells them on to its customers. This option does not refer to joint procurement include units that only make establish contracts or framework arrangements frameworks for other buyers.

A joint procurement unit that makes contracts or framework arrangements for public contracts and procurement of goods and services intended for other buyers:

A joint procurement unit that makes creates contracts or framework arrangements frameworks for other buyers. This option does not refer to joint procurement include units that acquire purchase goods or services and sell resell them on to their customers.


Participating organizations

Add contact information:

  • Click "Add contact"

  • A new community will appear on the form under the name "New contact information"

  • Click the blue pencil button and fill in the information on the form that opens

Select communities

Click "Select communities":

  • In the window that opens, select one or more pre-saved communities or community groups

  • The selected communities are listed on the form

  • If you want to view the information of the added community, click the blue pencil button and the information will open on a form. Here you can also edit the community information

  • When you click the blue pencil button again, the open community information will be closed

  • If you want to remove the added community from the form, click the red X “X” button 



Address (URL) of procurement documents

  • By default, the address field contains the address of your own procurement organization's tender portal, so there is no need to modify the information in this field. Editing is possible if necessary 

    • NOTE! If you accidentally delete the address, it can be restored under "Restore default URL"

  • Access to procurement documents is limitedIs access to the document restricted?

    • If you answer yes ‘yes’ to this, you must state the reasons on the eForms form

  • Web address for submitting offers, participation applications or responses

    • The system creates a request call for quotation tender link. This automatically generated address serves as a link in the HILMA notification, which automatically directs the supplier/bidder to the correct bid request in the bid portal. Normally, this address should not be edited or deleted.

      • NOTE! If you accidentally delete the address, it can be restored under "Restore default URL"

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Procurement object


Name and notification reference/diary number

  • Give the purchase tender a name

  • Enter a reference number/diary number for the purchase if case management systems are in use, else it will be generated automatically

    • You can check if the diary number you provided can be found in case management

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Enter the short name chosen by the procurement unit, which describes the entirety of the procurement. The name serves as a search title when journalists search for procurements published in HILMA and the TED database.


Description  Description of the acquisition

  • You can search for a text pre-stored text in the system or enter it yourself.


A description of the nature and quantity of the procurement or a description of the needs and requirements that this procedure is intended to fulfillfulfil. If it is a notification about a contract change, add here a description of the procurement before and after the changes.


Nature of the contract:

  • Select the Type of Procurement corresponding to the announcementpublishing of tender


Main category of procurement (e.g. contract). If it is a mixed procurement (e.g. a procedure for both contracts and services), the main category can be, for example, the one rated as the highest in value. This information must be provided for the entire procedure.


Additional information about the procurement or part

  • If necessary, enter additional information regarding the purchase




NOTE! This point is visible only if the contract has NOT been divided into parts

  • Enter the duration of the contract, framework arrangement or dynamic procurement system either:

    • (Estimated) Start date and (Estimated) End date

    • (Estimated) Period

      • Day or Month can be selected

    • Duration unknown or unlimited

      • Select Unknown or Unlimited from the drop-down menu


Information about parts

NOTE! The selection comes automatically in accordance with the selection made during the creation phase of the form

This contract is divided into parts : No

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This contract is divided into parts : Yes

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  • The parts of the contract and the areas of the procurement object are connected to each other 

    • If the selection: The parts of the contract and the areas included in the criteria for the procurement are connected to each other. 

      • NOTE! If the contract is divided into parts, when adding a new part of the contract, a corresponding part of the criteria for the procurement object is automatically created. Naturally, this also works the other way around (new part area → new part of the contract). Even when deleting a part or sub-area of ​​the contract, the deletion also affects the other.

    • If there is no selection: there is no connection, i.e. the parts of the contract are not updated to the areas of the criteria of the procurement target


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The bidder must bid for all parts

NOTE! This selection limits whether it is possible to leave partial offers


Maximum number of parts to be awarded to one bidder

  • If the bidder tries to submit an offer in more parts than what is specified, the bidding service informs the bidder about this. The offer cannot be sent until the number of parts to be offered is equal to or less than the set maximum number of parts to be offered



The maximum number of parts for which bids can be submitted

  • Enter the maximum number of parts for which the bidder can submit a bid

    • NOTE! Limits the bidder only if it has been selected that the parts of the contract and the parts of the procurement object are linked

Maximum number of parts to be awarded granted to one bidder

  • If the bidder tries to submit an offer in more parts than what is specified, the bidding service informs the bidder about this. The offer cannot be sent until the number of parts to be offered is equal to or less than the set maximum number of parts to be offered


Procurement Object (Divided into lots)


Note: The tab is only active if the announcement is divided into parts .

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Add a new oneimage-20240813-085901.pngImage Removed

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Part name and notification reference/diary number

  • Give the part a name and identifier

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Lot description

  • You can search for a text pre-stored in the system or enter it yourself.

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A description of the nature and quantity of the procurement or a description of the needs and requirements that this part is to fulfillfulfil. If it is a contract change notification, add here a description of the procurement before and after the changes for this part.


Nature of the Contract

  • Select the Type of Procurement corresponding to the announcement

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Main category of procurement (e.g. contract). If it is a mixed procurement (e.g. a procedure for both contracts and services), the main category can be, for example, the one rated as the highest in value. This information must be provided for the entire procedure.


Additional information about the procurement or part

  • If necessary, enter additional information regarding the purchase

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NOTE! This point is visible only if the contract has NOT been divided into parts

  • Enter the duration of the contract, framework arrangement or dynamic procurement system either:

    • (Estimated) Start date and (Estimated) End date

    • (Estimated) Period

      • Day or Month can be selected

    • Duration unknown or unlimited

      • Select Not Known or Unlimited from the drop-down menu

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Information about the electronic auction

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Type of procedure

Select the appropriate Procedure Type for the purchasetenderimage-20240813-092319.pngImage Removed

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The type of procurement procedure (e.g. according to the types presented , as outlined in the public procurement directives mentioned in the preamble of this act). 

Dynamic Purchasing system

Whether a dynamic procurement system is used and, in the case of Joint Procurement Entities, whether it can be used by purchasers not listed in this notice.image-20240813-092455.pngImage Removed

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Framework agreement

Whether to use a framework arrangement that involves retendering, that does not involve retendering, or that does and does not involve retendering.

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Description of the procedure

  • You can search for a text pre-stored in the system or enter it yourself.

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The main features of the procedure (e.g. a description of the individual steps) and information about where all the rules of the procedure are available. This information must be provided when the procedure is not one of those mentioned in the Procurement Directive. This may apply, for example, to concession agreements, social services and other special services, as well as cases where procurement procedures are published on a voluntary basis below the EU procurement thresholds.

Use the double envelope procedure *

  • Choose whether to use the double envelope for procurement

    • In the default selection "No" 

    • If "Yes" is selected, the comparison is made in two different steps. In the first step, all other factors except the price are evaluated, after which the price comparison is carried out. The purpose of the procedure is to increase the objectivity of the procurement process, so that price information does not guide the quality comparison.

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tenderer/supplier can submit more than one



  • Select whether the bidder can submit more than one bidtender

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Information about the tender service

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Deadline for receiving tenders, applications for participation or expressions of interest:

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Select data and time from the calendar (1) and time clock (2)image-20240813-101353.pngImage Removed

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The time that tenders must be valid starting from the deadline set for their submission:

  • Day or Month can be selected

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Deadline for questions related to the procurement:

Define the time by which additional information questions must be sent to the procurement unit from the Tender service portal:

  • By entering the dates in the format or selecting the days from the pop-up window that opens from the calendar button

NOTE! The supplier cannot send additional information questions from the Tender Service portal when the set deadline has expired.

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Definition of comparison criteria in the system *

The choice affects the settings of the comparison criteria in the Procurement object criteria section. The comparison criteria used and their more detailed weightings are described accordingly later on the Procurement target criteria tab.

  • Lowest price: the system compares the received offers or applications based on the lowest total price. If several sub-areas are included in the comparison, the comparison is made per sub-area.

  • Scoring: the system scores the received offers and the comparison is won by the offerer supplier/bidder with the most total points. If several sub-areas are included in the comparison, a sub-area-specific comparison test is performed. More detailed scoring settings are defined on the Purchase object criteria tab.

  • Order of importance: the system does not automatically compare received offers or applications. The user selects the winning offer or application according to the order of importance they describe. The order of importance of the criteria used in the comparison is defined later on the Procurement target criteria tab.

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How should the supplier enter the details of the procurement object in the Tender service

Choose how the supplier should report the details of the procurement in the http supplier portal:

  • With the input form (the information of which you specify in the main section "Procurement object criteria"), this normal and recommended way

  • Without an input form (i.e. only in the tender document attached by the tenderer, in this case precise criteria are not created in the main item Criteria for the object of procurement)

NOTE! if you wish, you can define only manual scoring in the criteria and request a separate price appendix in the "traditional" way.


Additional information on questions related to the procurement

If necessary, enter additional information related to the question (this can include, for example, information on when the procurement unit will provide the answers):

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Presentation of trade secret information by criteria is allowed in the Tender service

Suppliers can propose information as trade secrets in the Tender Service (on the Eligibility Requirement and Purchase Item data entry tab). 

  • Yes

    • The tenderer can propose the information he wants as trade secrets. 

  • No

    • The bidder cannot suggest trade secrets

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Note: You can move to the eForms module side when all the mandatory information has been entered.

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You can go to the eForms module by clicking the "Edit eFroms data" button

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