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This article applies only to the module Tendering.

In the criteria library, ready-made criteria groups templates can be saved for use in both procurement targets and suitability requirements. You can select these criteria groups for any request for quotation. Criteria groups can be searched with search words. 

Criteria library management


In the management of the criteria library, you can edit and add criteria groups and the criteria that belong to them. The distribution of criteria groups to other procurement organizations also takes place from the same place. 


FIGURE: In the Management window, you can search for previously created criteria groups or create a new criteria group. In the search function, you can limit the search in terms of procurement targets and/or suitability requirements

 Edit criteria group


Edit a criteria group

You can edit a previously created criteria group by clicking on the group. In the editing view, you can edit the name, type and criteria, as well as add products and services to the group and manage the sharing of the criteria group.


  • Name - you can define the name you want for the group

  • Type - you can choose whether the group is related to procurement targets or suitability requirements

  • Associated products and services - you can add a search term to the group, in which case the search for criteria groups will also target this criteria group

  • Criteria - you can define criteria for the group

  • Sharing of a criterion group - you can define the splitting of the group


Sharing of a criterion group


The saved criteria group can be distributed to selected procurement units 

  • Search / select procurement units

    • Select the desired procurement units and move them to the right column with the arrow
