Edit Modify the deadline
New deadline
Enter or select a new deadline from the calendar under "New Modify the deadline".
Write the reasons for changing the deadline
Click "edit Modify the deadline"
A notice of the modification of the deadline will be sent to all bidders who are logged in and familiar with the request in the Supplier Portal.
Edit the notification information
request details
Correct the request details
In the box, write a message to the bidders about editing correcting the request
The message is sent to everyone who read the request and/or left a response
Send a message and enter repair modemove to correction status
When clicked, the above message is sent to the bidders and the request is moved to the unfinished drafts folder
You can then make the necessary edits to the request
Repost Re-publish the request
When publishing, bidders receive a notification that the corrected request has now been published and they can once again submit responses to the request.
NOTE! When moving to the repair mode, all of the bidders' Started and sent responses are moved to incomplete. During the repair, you cannot visit the request or leave answers.
Send the notification request again
Enter the recipients' email addresses in the box that opens
Send the request by clicking "Send notification again"
At the top, you can You will also see to whom the notification has been previously sent above the field
Complete Close the request
You can end close a valid request with the "End Close request" function.
Write a message to those familiar with the request and click "Send a message and complete close the purchasesourcing event"
The system sends an email to everyone familiar with the request, and the request is moved to the completed folder, where you can take further actions on the request