Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Select the type of requirement by clicking the dropdown menu ‘Select type’. You can select one of the following types of requirements:

QC - Select Type.pngImage Added

  • Numerical  

    • The bidder must enter numerical information

    • Minimum and/or maximum values ​​can be defined  

    • The number of decimal places in the value entered by the bidder can be limited

    • This can be made mandatory to respond to by checking the box labelled "Entry is required"


  • For Your Information

    • Text for the information of the bidder, no reply is required in this option


  • Uploadable

    • The bidder must download upload the file

    • This can be made mandatory by checking the box labelled “Uploading is required"


  • Text

    • The bidder can enter free text

    • A maximum length for the answer can be defined in characters (eg. X characters)

    • The bidder’s answer can be defined as:

      • single line

      • multi-line

    • This can be made mandatory to respond to by checking the box labelled "Entry is required”


FIGURE: Layout of a text-type criterion

  • Menu

    • This is a drop-down menu from which the bidder can choose the option he wants

    • Name the menu by entering text in the field

    • Define the restrictions for the menu by clicking on “Menu definition”. The options for the restrictions are:

      • Selection not restricted

        • There is no limitation in the choice of options for the bidder. They can choose as many options as they want

      • Choose not more than one

        • The bidder can choose one option or leave the question unanswered

      • Choose at least one

        • Thebidder must choose one or more options (the question is then mandatory)

      • Choose one

        • The bidder must choose only one option (the question is then mandatory)

    • Enter the items for the menu in the fields labelled “New selection row”. Click enter to add a new selection row.



FIGURE: Menu criteria layout


  • Yes/No

    • The bidder answers yes or no

    • The question can be defined as “Optional” or “Selection is required”

      • A yes or no answer can be defined as mandatory 

    • Conditional criteria can be assigned for the criterion

      • If the box marked "Yes" option involves additional criteria" is selected, a new question can be defined for the bidder if they answer "Yes" to the original question

      • If the box marked " "No" option involves additional criteria" is selected, a new question can be defined for the bidder if they answer “No” to the original question


  • Record

    • Prepare the desired battery of questions, which the bidder must answer x times (e.g. references)

      • Create the questions/criteria under "Record criteria"

    • It is possible to define the minimum and/or maximum number of answers the bidder must or can submit

      • The question is optional if the values ​​are left undefined



FIGURE: Record criteria layout. 


  • Subheading

    • Subheadings structure and clarify requirements. This qualification criterion requires no response from the bidder


  • Deleted selected requirements together

    • Select the criteria you want to remove by checking the empty box next to each line

    • Click the red delete button at the top of the box

  • Export the selected criteria as a group

    • Select the criteria you want to save as a group in the criteria library (See criteria library instructions  here )

    • Click on the export cloud button at the top of the box (located to the right of the delete button)

  • The criteria library can be accessed from the book icon

    • From the criteria library, you can import a ready-made group of qualification criteria for the sourcing in question



FIGURE: Editing options for eligibility requirements



Edit individual requirements

  • The criterion can be removed from the red cross icon

  • The order of the suitability requirements can be edited by grabbing the desired criterion and dragging (drag and drop) it to the desired place.   



Criteria Functions

  • The functions menu to the right of each criterion allows for the editing of each individial criterion

  • “Close criterion”

    • Hides the qualification criterion details (only shows the qualification criterion title)

    • To edit an qualification criterion again, you must first open it from the icon “Open all requirements”



  • “Move or copy a criterion”

    • You can move the qualification criterion to another location or copy itA

    • You can then select "New requirement" and the requirement in question will be copied as a new requirement 

    • If you are moving a criterion of a Yes/no type, then a list of which functions can be used to move or copy criteria requirements opens in a pop-up window

      • Move or copy the requirement as a conditional criterion of the Yes/No criterion

        • Add to the "Yes" option

        • Add to the "No" option

      • With the "New requirement" selection, the requirement in question can be copied as a new requirement 



IMAGE: Copy the suitability requirement as a new requirement


Preview qualification criteria

Click on the eye icon at the top right hand corner to open a preview of the suitability requirements in a new window


IMAGE: A preview of the suitability requirements opens with an image of the eye.QC - Preview.pngImage Added