Suppliers can send questions related to valid requests through the Tender ServiceSupplier Portal. Questions are answered through Mercell Sourcing.
The question management can be accessed from the image of the envelope in the top bar of the page right hand corner of the navigation bar on the main page, or from the Settings menu. The question management function lists all valid requests with unanswered or answered questions. You can view the questions of a specific request by selecting the request for listing. The system then moves to the information page of the request.
At the bottom of the information page, you can see the unanswered questions.
Unanswered questions
You can access the list of unanswered questions in the request by clicking on the Questions section of the request.
A question sent by the provider that can be edited
Write your answer in the field below
By deleting a question, you delete it from the entire system. However, the question is still visible to the bidder who asked the question, but not to others in the Bid Service.
Save but don't send
You can save the reply without sending it
Add an attachment
You can attach an attachment to the answer. The size of the attachment can be a maximum of 50Mb, but the number of attachments is not limited.
Send a reply
The system sends an email about the response to all bidders who read the request
Answered Questions answered
The answered questions section lists all the questions whose answers have been sent to the bidders. In the section, you can move the question back to unanswered or edit already sent answers.