The creation of a new notice is started from the "Create a new New notice" section. The view switches to a new tab that adapts to the new look of Cloudia Kilpiltutus. The forms available in the organization will be selected in the menu.
IMAGE: Create a new notice opens in a new tab
National announcements
National procurement notice/request for tender
Request for information
Notice of direct procurement of national procurements
General Disclosure Statement
National Dynamic Procurement Notification (DPS)
EU notifications
EU advance notice
EU procurement notice
EU post-declaration
EU procurement notification, special sectors
EU post-declaration, special sectors
EU direct procurement
Social services and other special services - procurement contracts - advance notice
Social services and other special services - procurement contracts - procurement notification
Social services and other special services - procurement contracts - notification of the concluded contract
Social services and other special services - user rights agreements - advance notification
Social services and other special services - user rights agreements - subsequent notification
License Agreement Notice
Subsequent notification regarding the user license agreement
Notice of change
EU advance notification, defense and security procurement
EU procurement notification, defense and security procurements
EU post-declaration, defense and security procurement
Instructive seasonal notification - special sectors (Form in Hilma as Advance notification / market survey - Special sectors (TED F04))
Other announcements
Special subcontracting, below the EU threshold
Think of your hair
Simplified competition (scoring)
Procurement notification below the threshold value
Direct procurement
External framework arrangement