The "Send an email" function is available for both valid active and expired requests ended calls for quotationtender. It allows you to send an email to everyone who viewed the procurement notice tender and submitted an offer, including offers in comparisonevaluation, losing bidderssuppliers, and winning bidders suppliers for terminated purchase noticestender. To use it, click "Send a messagean email" on the desired purchase tender announcement.
Those familiar with the announcement
ThePeople who reviewed the notice
This view lists companies that have viewed the announcement notice while logged in
Those who sent submitted the offertender
The This view lists companies that have sent an offer
Offers included in the comparison
The This view lists companies that have participated in the offer comparison
Not selected bidderssuppliers
The This view lists companies that have not been selected as suppliers
Selected bidderssuppliers
The This view lists the companies that have been selected as suppliers
The automatic title is "Additional information for the announcement: IDENTIFIER / PROCUREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT NAME"
Can edit Editable if necessary
Write a message for bidderssuppliers
Message documents
You can attach an attachment to the message under 'Add new attachment'
If this is ticked, the content of the message is also shown in at the announcement in the Offer service under "Questions and answers"
The ‘Send an email’ function sends a message
Shows previously sent messages
All sent messages are also displayed on the " Documents " tab under "Questions/answers & messages" -> "Sent messages email package". is it right? I cannot follow this path