There are two ways to be added to a survey as a evaluator.
By registering yourself
Go to the intranet page where the supplier ratings are announced.
Click on the link corresponding to the type of project you wish to evaluate.
Read the on-screen instructions.
In the Email section, enter your email address and click 'Confirm'.
You will now automatically be sent a link that gives you access to the survey.
Open your email box and view the email with the invitation.
By being invited
Open your email box and view the email with the invitation.
Follow the instructions in the email.
Click on 'Survey' in the invitation email you received.
Depending on whether you are already registered with Mercell with your specified email address, you must first enter your contact details or open the survey directly.
Already registered
Clicking the 'Survey' button, you will be redirected to the survey.
Not registered yet
Click the 'Survey' button you are being redirected to a registration page
Enter the requested contact information.
Click 'Confirm'. The survey will then open immediately.