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TM - MeForms BPM settings
To make use of eForms, the “MeForms application” needs to be enabled in the BPM.
This is already done via the script that ran on 23-Oct 2023.
Other publication authorities should NOT be enabled. Only MeForms application, Mercell and Published tenders page need to be enabled.
The section “Publication forms” should be empty. Selecting any forms here, will block the creation of any other forms in those tenders.
Another additional BPM setting is the “One-time change notice in eForms format“
By enabling this feature, a button will appear in the Publication menu of a tender. This button will allow users to create a one-time change notice in eForms format, which they can link to their publication process in the 'old format'. After doing this, they can continue creating eForms for further follow-up notices in this tender. Usually, tenders where this feature is enabled will only be used for publication purposes (the actual tender with suppliers, offers etc. is in a different application like Negometrix3 or NegometrixPortal).
When enabling this, MeForms application also has to be enabled.
More detailed information about how this works can be found in the separate chapter on this page.
TM - MeForms Creating a form and publishing it
Bug Fixes
In this release, 16bugs have been resolved.