Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Each divergent lot has its own receipt.


TM - Award motivation and consensus


Automate the process of creating award letters for suppliers as much as possible. Motivating why the supplier is or isn’t awarded and what the results are of the award criteria is an important factor. With this new feature we will support in creating the motivation and apply consensus if this is desired by the buyer.


An overview of all evaluation performed and their comments per award criteria and the possibility to overrule the average score of the evaluators with a consensus score. Beside that the buyer can add an external comment per criteria that will be included in the award letter when they use the award motivation placeholder.


BPM → Workflow → Round → Round settings → Offer card:

  • Turn on the award motivation and consensus feature in the BPM.

  • All tenders will have this round setting but the feature is turned off and locked, with this release we will unlock it for all tender so buyer can turn the feature on in existing tenders.

In the tender round settings:


Start award motivation and consensus

  • When the buyer clicks on the motivation button beside the evaluate button the evaluators are not longer able to perform their evaluations.

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  • Buyer will land in the purple overlay where he can perform 7 different actions

  • Navigate via the dropdown

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  • Navigate with the side menu

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  • Navigate with the next and previous buttons on the sticky footer

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  • Overrule the evaluation score (average of all evaluators)

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    • Overrule score will use the same scale as the evaluators

    • Overrule pop-up in the all score is also update to reflect above possibilities

  • Add the external comment (award motivation)

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  • Add internal comment

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  • dsd

Small changes

In this release, the following small changes have been implemented:
