Table of Contents | ||||
17 November
Improvements for the requirements tab
Supplier groups (or shortlists)
Mini Competitions: select suppliers to participate
Swedish national publication forms
Improvements for the requirements tab
Continuing the improvements from last month, the requirements tab now has some bigger changes to improve the ease of use. We’ve added a new inner page when opening a questionnaire. In this inner page, the buyer can see in the left menu the created questionnaires. This can be used to navigate between the questionnaire, reorder questionnaires and drag & drop questions inside the questionnaires.
On top of that we also improved the UI with fresh icons and renamed Snippets to a more clearer Question template.
Supplier groups (or shortlists)
Inviting suppliers to your tender has been renewed a couple of months ago. Now, we add the option to use supplier groups to easily invite known groups of suppliers. You can manage these groups in Organisation Settings, and then use these to quickly invite them. You can favourite supplier groups for fast discoverability, or search in your list of groups.
Mini Competitions: select suppliers to participate
For those creating mini competitions from DPS or Qualification Systems know that when adding approved suppliers to the MC means that all suppliers are added. Now, you can select the ones you actually want to participate. The feature has to be activated for your organisation in the BPM.
Smaller changes
Swedish national publication forms are now available
Verification is now a setting that can be managed in the tender itself > round settings.
Verification has received some additional tooltip and validation to make it more clear a deadline needs to be entered or updated (also when allowing a resubmission).
6 October
Multi-Factor Authentication
Requirements improvements
Tender History
Once the MFA is activated by the administrator, users have 14 days to set it up. During login, users are prompted with the question to configure the MFA.
They can skip the configuration for 14 days. Once they start the configuration, they scan the QR code with their authenticator app of choice. The configuration is complete after submitting the verification code.
On top of the Norwegian Bank ID option, two more options are now available for suppliers to sign an offer:
NemID - used in Denmark
Swedish BankID - used in Sweden
The two options are only available for new tenders created after this release.