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Table of Contents

6 October

  • Multi-Factor Authentication

  • Requirements improvements

  • Tender History

Multi-Factor Authentication

To improve the security of a user account, a strong password is not enough. Setting up a second layer of security is a common way of ensuring the identity of the user when logging in. For Mercell Source-to-Contract, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is now available. It’s a feature that can be activated for an organisation in the organisation settings. It’s disabled by default.

Once the MFA is activated by the administrator, users have 14 days to set it up. During login, users are prompted with the question to configure the MFA.

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They can skip the configuration for 14 days. Once they start the configuration, they scan the QR code with their authenticator app of choice. The configuration is complete after submitting the verification code.


The user has to enter the verification code every time during the login process.

Requirements improvements

The look and feel of the requirements area in the tender has been improved. We’re improving the user experience when navigating through the different questionnaires and sections. This is the first iteration of making this better.

A side panel is added with the colleagues from the team tab. We show the role Lead buyers for users who have the right to “edit tender” and Viewers for the users who can view only.

Once a questionnaire has been added, you can click the whole box to start editing (previously, you had to click the title).


Tender History

It’s now possible to view all actions taken in the tender over the course of the last 180 days.

As a buyer you want to be in control of your tender and know what, when and who performed certain actions in your tender.

The existing system logs that we have in the system are now made available on a tender level. On the overview page in the tender behind the 3-dots menu, you’ll find the ‘View tender history’ option.


By default you’ll see the log of the last 7 days with no additional filters. The filters that can be applied are: 

  • Actions

  • Users

  • Default time range

Smaller improvements

  • You can assign a license for Mercell Source-to-Contract to users who haven’t activated their account yet

  • You can assign a question in Question & Answer to users who haven’t activated their account yet

22 September

  • New web address for the application

  • General award letter

  • Copy requirements from other tenders

  • DPS Improvements:

    • Questionnaires per category

    • More clarity on sharing evaluation comments with suppliers
